K let's figure this filecoin thing out. 5:53 EST. Filecoin's reference client is called "lotus" and it's written in go. lotus installation: https://docs.filecoin.io/get-started/lotus/installation/ -> it says you can run in the cloud for $100 credit. I did not receive a credit when I tried this. The user-experience involves handling fewer crashes with more ram and disk, which gets expensive quickly. There is a bug in the digitalocean image where it download the chain from a web source every reboot. I submitted information on fixing the bug to their github and am not aware of having received a reply. 5:57a Data storage tutorial: https://docs.filecoin.io/get-started/store-and-retrieve/store-data/ This talks about cli usage but does not indicate remote nodes. Eureka: I think lotus (maybe it was another node app?) has a lightweight mode already built in. Subgoal: see if lotus has a lightweight, remote-use mode. Finding discussion of this is likely to find at least one remote-use node.