wikileaks is a $5B-50B entity not for free lurid content but for its user data and metadata. Assange's brilliant wikiplan. Ed and Glenn's?

Now that sounds like John! =)

On Thu, Oct 15, 2015 at 9:42 AM, Shelley <> wrote:
On October 15, 2015 5:57:09 AM Andrew Hornback <> wrote:

Okay, I'll take the troll bait here...

How would you go about verifying that his account has NOT been hacked?

--- A

How is it troll bait to ask that question, Andrew?

You think this is normal behavior for JY?  It used to be posted right on Cryptome that access logs were deleted daily or better, and it appears that he may have lied to a grand jury about not having them.

This isn't funny.  At all.


On Oct 15, 2015 8:18 AM, "Michael Best" <> wrote:

> Is there anyone who can verify JYA's accounts haven't been hacked? I was
> assuming this was a joke until the tweet with the picture of 1997 logs.
> On Thu, Oct 15, 2015 at 5:59 AM, Shelley <> wrote:
>> On October 14, 2015 9:32:30 PM John Young <> wrote:
>> Cryptome for sale with access log files from 1996 for $50,000,000.
>>> Authentic Cryptome Archive for $10,000.
>>> <>
>> More evidence that the site has probably been compromised, yet again:
>> Excerpt from 2003 subpoena, via
>> Hash SHA1
>> I, John Young, administrator of Cryptome, hereby declare that logs of
>> Cryptome are deleted daily, or more often during heavy traffic, to protect
>> the privacy of visitors to the site. Cryptome does not own or know the
>> location of the machine which hosts its virtual private server under a
>> service agreement with NTT Verio. There are several international mirrors
>> of the files on Cryptome, all of which, to the best of my knowledge, delete
>> logs to protect privacy of visitors.
>> Attested and communicated to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts by this
>> PGP-signed statement published on Cryptome, 6 January 2003:
>> ---
>> —————
>> Logs going back to 1996?  That'd be perjury.  I don't buy it.
>> Domain is not for sale at the registrar and transfer is still
>> prohibited.  Fyi.
>> -Shelley