As timely as it gets. Go the Swiss!! Z ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Jim <> Date: Thu, 10 Dec 2015 16:20:00 +1100 Subject: Switzerland will have a referendum on whether to stop private banks from creating money out of thin air. Re: Switzerland ... to stop banks from creating money ----- Original Message ----- From: Betty Luks <> Date: Thu, 10 Dec 2015 12:14:14 +1030 To: Brian McDermott <> Subject: Fwd: Switzerland ... to stop banks from creating money Thought this would be of interest to you Brain.... Best wishes Betty Luks Begin forwarded message: From: François de Siebenthal <> Reply-To: Bcc: Date: 9 December 2015 9:03:46 PM ACDT Subject: Switzerland ... to stop private banks from creating money out of nothing - thin air - and then lending it out as an interesting-bearing debt! Switzerland will have a referendum on whether to stop private banks from creating money out of thin air. <> HOME <> » BLOG <> » 2015 <> » DECEMBER <> » 08 <> » SWITZERLAND WILL. <> WRITTEN BY POSITIVE MONEY ON DECEMBER 8, 2015. The Swiss population will be the first in the world to vote on their banking and money system, thanks to the tireless efforts of our sister organisation Modernizing Money <> (MoMo). The campaign, which has involved over 100 activists collecting signatures, gathered 111,819 signatures to have a referendum on removing the power that banks currently have to create money when they make loans. They made it within 18 months, which under Swiss law results in a referendum. <> On Tuesday 1st December Positive Money's director Fran Boait and the coordinator of the international movement for monetary reform Stan were in Switzerland at the invitation of the MoMo to officially hand in the petition with all the signatures to the Swiss Parliament. This was a great day for the monetary reform movement. Some of the other members of the International movement and also NEF joined the MoMo in Switzerland to celebrate handing in the petition and to begin planning a strategy for the referendum. Here you can view the video of the hand-in (although the commentary is available only in German): <> The Financial Times has reported about it in an article entitled "A licence to print e-money for private banks" <> by Martin Sandbu: But what if ordinary joes like you and me cotton on to this scam <> ? What scam? That private banks just create money at will. You mean you agree with this Swiss initiative now? How could I not? If banks can just print electronic money, that's just as destabilising as printing notes freely. It's a really great article. You can read it in full here <> . One of our twitter followers have commented on it with the words: Duncan McCann, researcher on Economy and Finance from NEF was there at the hand-in of signatures as well and has written an article about it which you can read here <> . Although the battle to get the Swiss parliament to acknowledge the current problems with the Swiss monetary system will be hard, the referendum offers perhaps the greatest opportunity we've seen in Europe for a fundamental rethink of the current monetary system and a genuine debate about the future of economics. Economist Steve Keen added that "whatever the outcome of this proposal, the debate it will allow over our monetary system is one that we have to have". Please share this <> to help us support this campaign. Un banquier suisse, votre serviteur, explique en 3 minutes l'arnaque de la création monétaire, avec le Canada comme exemple. Vidéo Facebook : <> Tiré de l'émission "Qu'est-ce qu'elle a ma girl" de <> Chaque année, une semaine d'étude a lieu à Rougemont au Canada en 4 langues .... Repas et couchers gratuits pour tous nos invités des pays hors du Canada. Autre période de formation en avril-mai chaque année. Semaines d'études sur la démocratie économique Deux fois par année à Rougemont, basées sur le livre La démocratie économique <> (ou Crédit Social) expliquée en dix leçons, par Alain Pilote. LES PROCHAINES SESSIONS D'ÉTUDE SUR LA DÉMOCRATIE ÉCONOMIQUE auront lieu:soit au premier qui aura lieu du 10 au 22 avril 2016, suivi de notre semaine d'adoration du 24 au 30 avril, suivie de notre assemblée mensuelle fixée au 1 mai 2016. · soit au second qui se tiendra du 15 au 31 juillet, y compris les 3 journées de notre congrès annuel international en 4 langues ( fr. eng. spa. pol. ). Vous pouvez arriver et repartir quelques jours avant et après ces dates. Lisez le dernier Vers Demain en ligne:> François de Siebenthal à faire circuler largement, merci, le monde est déjà meilleur grâce à ce simple geste de solidarité. ---- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Social Credit" group.