---- Wł. N, 13 wrz 2015 12:08:22 +0200 Zenaan Harkness napisał(a) ----
German (Swedish, Nordic, Aussie, Christian) men, have you any balls?
(some stats and graphs are mixed in some of the articles below)
* https://diversitychronicle.wordpress.com/2013/04/22/judge-finds-german-woman... "Judge Finds German Woman Guilty of Raping Eight Pakistani Muslim Men April 22, 2013 "In the City of Wassenberg in Western Germany a woman has been found guilty of seducing and raping eight men in the first case of its kind in Europe. Maria Heidelsohn aged 18 alleges that on the afternoon of August 23rd she was pulled away by eight men from the porch she was sun bathing on and carried into a small shed in which she was brutally and repeatedly gang raped. Heidelsohn alleges that she cried for help repeatedly until she was bound and gagged, she then claims that she was beaten severely and both of her arms and one leg were broken.
Wassenbeg Police Chief Abdullah Al Hussein contends that there is no evidence Heidelsohn did not injure herself or ask a friend to injure her in order to attempt to frame up her alleged attackers. The Police Chief noted that no male adult Muslim men saw the attack occur to corroborate her story despite the area being largely Muslim. In the large German town new legislation passed overwhelmingly last year stipulates that four adult male Muslim witnesses are necessary in order to corroborate any charges made by a woman in accordance with traditional Islamic jurisprudence. "
O RLY? https://diversitychronicle.wordpress.com/disclaimer/: """ The original content on this blog is largely satirical. “I ceased in the year 1764 to believe that one can convince one’s opponents with arguments printed in books. It is not to do that, therefore, that I have taken up my pen, but merely so as to annoy them, and to bestow strength and courage on those on our own side, and to make it known to the others that they have not convinced us.” – Georg Christoph Lichtenberg. It is in the spirit of the above quote that I write. Who am I you may ask? My name is Erik Thorson. I created this blog for my own personal amusement. """" Also: http://www.hoax-slayer.com/woman-raping-eight-men-satire.shtml You fail on this one. I have not read your other sources but maybe you should doublecheck them as well. -- Pozdr, enki@fsck.pl