On June 17, 2016 3:37:42 PM Mr Nobody <mrnobody@mail-on.us> wrote:
I just discovered that the reCaptchas that you usually bump into when using tor are not only a way to distinguish humans, but also they use your replies to train artificial intelligence modes
In case you or anyone else is interested in the evolution of recaptcha after google acquired it in 2009 - beginning with using us as free labor to digitize their books, to decoding street addresses for Google maps and on to the Match Game crap we have today: https://techcrunch.com/2012/03/29/google-now-using-recaptcha-to-decode-stree... http://www.blackhatworld.com/seo/something-interesting-ive-noticed-recently-... Warning for sensitive individuals: this image contains a racial slur. It was what /b/ called the attempt to screw with recaptcha, just including it for relevant reference (so don't send me hate mail): http://www.funnyjunk.com/funny_pictures/1019304/Operation/ So, yeah. We've known from the start that they were using recaptcha as free labor. -S