John, Juan and Marina, my loved friends, do not waste too much time with these jerks, please. 

The world population was estimated to have reached 7,6 billion in December, 2017.  And these stupid racist guys are ignored for more than 99,99999999% of all the people in the world, hihihi...  :)

The funniest thing is to notice that they _really_ think to be "very relevant" to the whole humanity, the "studest" badass intellectual guys of this "wow, much wow!" discussion list, always dishonestly trying to prove that the quantity of melanin in a person' skin can influence in their character.  Aff...  :(

Hee-haw, Hee-haw, Hee-haw...  Stop braying always the same things, please.  It's boring!  :((

The things do simply not work this way, HarkLess's fake personas, James, Jim. (the stupid ZeNazi's friend, NOT Jim Bell, please)  among other trolls, dear guys...  :((  

Please, today is Sunday.  Why do you not use the free time for getting a life, eh?!  ;)

An OT personal story about "races" to explain that all the persons matter the same, that all of them have their own beauty and beliefs:  -  In the past, already had the chance of knowing two different Amazon's Indian tribes.  I hated the f_cking heat and all the odious mosquitoes, had no courage to eat ants and other insects, I was feeling dehydrated all the time, and had a horrible fear of being bitten by a snake in my buttocks while peeing in the forest.  It was a complete shit, a disaster, but strangely, at same time, was very interesting and instructive.   

I was the first Japanese girl that most of those Indians saw in their lives.  I was f_cking pale, with freckles and brown curly hair, talking to them with a strange accent, but intuitively they know we all were human beings feeling exactly the same.  They respected me and I respected them.  We shared our food and water.  I painted their faces with my lipsticks and they painted me with minerals and fruits natural pigments. 

One of my friends  - and also one of my teachers -  is a Japanese guy completely in love with Python.  He gave Python programming courses to new PyLadies in several countries of the African continent and it was awesome.  His experiences were similar to mine in some aspects.  

Humans beings like to learn and to teach each other, to share their knowledge.  The color of your skin is just the way your skin is.  They never thought  "Oh, poor yellow guy, so ignorant and inferior to us!"

The same happened with me among the Indians.  I was one of them, even having a different apparence.  

White, Black, Yellow, Red, Green, Purple, Plaid, Golden, Rainbow...  The color of your skin is just a color.  The blood in our veins has the same color, the same value.  Our tears and pains are the same.  We all feel love, fear, joy, sadness, hunger, gratitude...  All lives matter.  All lives are important. 

Why to spend so much time trying to prove that black people are "inferior" to you, James?  God, your ego must be more fragile than your balls...  Get a life, please.  Search for psychological treatment and learn how much bigger the world is than your own belly.  

You are not a genius trying to share the  - ooooh! - "real truth".  You are just an old sick man being used as a puppet to spread more hate in this poor f_cked world.  This is the world where your grandchildren will grown up, James.  If you really love them, think about their future, please.

Wish you all a lovely Sunday, full of harmony, peace, hopes, and the sweetest dreams.


PS - OT: - "Braying" and "barking" do _not_ count as official languages, ZeNazi.  Stop saying you are a polyglot, please.  It's very embarrassing when you pretend to be an "intellectual" in other lists, eeeck!  :((

"Don't let anyone rob you of your imagination, your creativity, or your curiosity.  It's your place in the world; it's your life.  Go on and do all you can with it, and make it the life you want to live."  -  Mae Jemison