Well, as sad as the plight of many (genuine) refugees really is, Trump certainly seems to have a wicked sense of humour, or a really humorously bad sense of timing. And the Liberal Leftys are going nuts (see image for example). Fun times :D Jews and their holohoax eh ... what a world. Zenaan PS: For those who missed the memo on the fake chimney built outside Auschwitz after the war for the photo ops, the "gas ovens" with unsealed rickety wooden doors, and "oh me oh my, muh 6 gazillion Jews", here's the memo, from BEFORE World War 2, courtesy the New York Times even: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dda-0Q_XUhk PPS: It's now ok to forward this around since the $2 billion per year "Jewish holohoax" reparations from Germany, ended (finally) last year. So those who profited from this particular fake news deception have fully finished their profiting. PPPS: Since all the profiteering of "mamma Germany" has now ended, it might be a good idea to stop putting folks in jail for "denying the holocaust" too - 14 countries still do so to this day... including Germany of course.