i’m having some heavy internal change through rough things, maybe partly associated with telling a zoom person about something i experienced ()

it’s pretty rough :/


i’m wondering if i can traffick boss spam thru it (although we’d rather go for a walk >_>)


traffick boss attends peacemaking talk

complainants: “traffick boss it was unimaginably horrible to be trafficked and murdered and mind controlled and tortured and stuff”

traffick boss: “sorry”


traffick boss: “uh can i excuse myself now?”

complainaints: “not quite yet. can you hear our story some more?”

traffick boss waits and attends to complainants

complainants: “traffick boss it was unimaginably horrible to be trafficked and murdered and mind controlled and tortured and stuff”


traffick boss is not the star at this time

he is a little bit in disrepute


traffick boss: “it is hard to mak—


traffick boss has a pie on his face and is jumping rope on a pogo stick
he is sweating hard

while he jumps rope he murders people

murder victim: “oops! got murdered by some aggressive danger. hate it when that happens!”

traffick boss: “this person died of natural causes. it was uhh rebel group that killed them.”

murder victim’s family: “curse rebel group!”

traffick boss: “i fight rebel group, you should have funeral goers donate to me”