On 12/13/2016 12:07 PM, juan wrote:

I can post whatever I wan't. 

Spoken like a two year old pouting.

And what "whatever I wan't" is ...

Shitting typographical spirochete-infested diarrhea all over a list
continually is an attempt at censorship by dissuading people from
    following or being involved in the threads. Troll.

Xos and suck my cuck


On Tue, 13 Dec 2016 11:54:43 -0800
Razer <rayzer@riseup.net> wrote:

On 12/13/2016 11:13 AM, juan wrote:
I, unlike quinn, am not a statist nor I advocate censorship in a
list devoted to cyber freedom.

Shitting typographical spirochete-infested diarrhea all over a list
continually is an attempt at censorship by dissuading people

	You can't be that pathetic can you? I can post whatever I
	wan't. That doesn't prevent other people from posting whatever
	they want. Just look at your sick commie vomits. Nobody is
	materially preventing you from posting them.

	But I certainly see what your problem is rayzer. You want to be
	'free' to claim that murderer commie fidel castro was a hero
	and you don't want people to rub it in your face that you are
	an anti-libertarian commie troll.

	Sniff sniff. It's so sad that the Cuban Commie Party doesn't
	control this list. They surely would have fixed your 'problem'
	a long time ago.

following or being involved in the threads. Troll.
