(Pdb) p inserting_spectrum array([ 9.13008935-2.23523530e-15j, -1.13139897-1.72422981e-01j, 0.11932716-6.18590050e-01j, -0.47619445-1.42077247e+00j, 0.60106394-6.17441233e-01j, 0.4321097 -8.80843476e-01j, 0.92222665+1.15314024e+00j, -0.4839133 -2.10053038e-01j, -0.31551473-6.23392187e-16j]) (real domain) this code differs from fourier; i get to figure out why: 330 B inserting_spectrum = randvec @ unextracting_ft 331 -> for idx in range(len(longvec)): 332 longvec[idx] = 0 333 for freq_idx in range(len(inserting_spectrum)): 334 freq = shortspace_freqs[freq_idx] 335 mag = inserting_spectrum[freq_idx] 336 longvec[idx] += np.abs(mag) + np.cos(2 * np.pi * freq * idx / len(randvec) * short_duration + np.angle(mag)) 331 for idx in range(len(longvec)): 332 longvec[idx] = 0 333 for freq_idx in range(len(inserting_spectrum)): 334 freq = shortspace_freqs[freq_idx] 335 mag = inserting_spectrum[freq_idx] 336 -> longvec[idx] += np.abs(mag) + np.cos(2 * np.pi * freq * idx / len(randvec) * short_duration + np. angle(mag)) oops! that 'mag) + np.cos' should be a *! still fails of course. 0329