The square root of 4 is 2. 1102 Let us calculate the square root of 4. Some propose that it may be 2. If we were to blindly trust them, we could establish habits that could be used to undermine us. The habit of blind trust can be easily defeated by a lie. Then, let us be skeptical. Let us wonder if the square root of 4 might be something other than 2. Or maybe, 2 could be only one square root of 4. How could we establish provenance? Constancy? Certaintude, with regard to square roots here? 1103. For there to be a square root, there must be a square, at least for those who see the square root as the inverse of the square. We can concede to our threats that we may agree on a square root being the identification of numbers that, when squared, that is, when multiplied by themselves, yield the quantity the square root is of. 1104 Honestly I really thought that everybody knew that the square root of 4 was 2. Is this in question somehow? Oh! We need to verify our facts, because we might be amongst significant deception. Well then! How will we verify that the square root of 4 is 2? Can we trust multiplication? Can we trust squaring? Can we trust the completeness of the line of numbers? Now, me, I always thought that two times two was four, and negative two times negative two was negative four, and that there was no other way to multiply a number by itself to yield four, unless you referenced some new unfamiliar division of mathematics! I guess I'd wager that there almost certainly are such unfamiliar divisions of mathematics that may yield further quantities that can square to 4. I could, for example, make one up right now, invent a fanciful "alepsis" quantity that squares to 1.0 and place it as a cooefficient, thus making more square roots. 1107 On excessive verbosity, we have found likelihood that, if 2 is a square root of 4, that it is not, in fact the only square root of 4. In fact, we have identified that -2 is also a square root of 4. This brings us to raise suspicions against the proposition that 2 is the "the" square root of 4! Someone is deceiving us! We have been propaganda, misadvertised, misled, deluded, and gaslit. We are clearly the victims of militory psychological operations! 1108