Dnia środa, 25 czerwca 2014 11:20:50 stef pisze:
i noticed lots of users pgp-sign their mails to mailing-lists. what exactly is the reason/usecase/attackvector you defend against for that? what exactly is the reason for doing so on public mailing lists? and why does it make sense to sign irrelevant messages like "+1" or "just kidding" - assuming no stego usecase is in play.
One more reason: spreading the word about GPG/PGP. This actually helps get people interested in encryption, and helps also inform people that do have a GPG/PGP key (but for different reasons do not use them on a general basis), that here's a person that does use it, and it's possible to encrypt e-mails to that person. Which might not be all that important on cpunks, I give you that, but a rule is a rule. ;) -- Pozdr rysiek