On Thu, Aug 04, 2016 at 04:00:47AM -0300, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:
On Jul 29, 2016 10:36 PM, "juan" <juan.g71@gmail.com> wrote:
Are you talking about equality before the law? (which logically
entails anarchism btw)
Juan dear,
Instead arguing with you about vocabulary, real meaning of some words or not, limits of some concepts, gender equality, men and women, storks and babies, I decided asking for help and avoid a possible gaffe or being unfair with you. :P
I was thinking about asking you some suggestions of good anarchist readings, because I made some searches and - wow! - the bibliography is really huge. I need some help to separate the wheat from the shaft, please. Or a guide "Advanced Anarchism for Dummies". I know only the baby steps, sorry. :(
Besides all the stuff already mentioned, some decent "anarchy fiction" would be the Culture books by Ian Banks.. set in a distant post-scarcity future, the "Culture" in question is definitely an interesting take on anarchy. Large swaths of humanity populate the galaxy, mostly living in enormous space stations (huge rotating stanford torus-style rings). Benevolent AIs "watch over" humanity, but anyone can choose to opt out and no one has to obey, although obviously cooperation helps.. the books are great. If you dig punk/hardcore, the band Propagandhi makes some great shit. Their lyrics are all about freedom and the crimes of our oppressors, and the lyrics are smart, the music is fucking great. Less Talk, More Rock and Todays Empires, Tomorrows Ashes are both fantastic. Although, they do get a little too precious about veganism for my, err, tastes... ;) I haven't read Bakunin or any of the 'real' stuff since high school or early college.. Reading about the russian revolution recently was very depressing. Personally I don't hold much hope for humanity..I figure the solution to Fermis paradox is self-evident. We are going to fucking destroy ourselves. Live it up while you can ;) John