Finally the Germans are trickling into the party with our Russkie bros in protecting their own women - 'bout bloody time too. Deus Vult! WARNING: No go zones are "no go" for a reason folks - so triggered snowflakes need not apply to these Cologne Germany street 'patrols'. Create your world, Signs Of Coming Collapse: Citizens Worldwide Revolt Against Taxation & Illegal Aliens https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-12-16/signs-coming-collapse-citizens-wor... Authored by Jeremiah Johnson (nom de plume of a retired Green Beret of the United States Army Special Forces) via SHTFplan.com http://www.shtfplan.com/headline-news/signs-of-coming-collapse-citizens-worl... https://www.ludinfo24.com/2018/12/03/german-biker-gangs-are-standing-up-for-... … These guys are (even with the masks you can see it) pretty clean cut, dressed cleanly and normally…and they’re not “soy boys” by any stretch of the imagination. The prediction? German bikers 1, Arabs 0, plain and simple….and as it should be. It is a beautiful thing to see them stand up for their women…since their rights have been flushed into the toilet, or swept under a prayer rug or magic carpet. When law enforcement fails to enforce the law and protect citizens from illegal aliens…then it is no longer law enforcement….it is an armed tyrannical enforcer of a dictatorship….voted into office legally, but pursuing actions that are not approved by the populace. Just as Marbury vs. Madison pointed out under our system, if something is onerous to the Constitution, then it is not to be considered lawful in any way, shape, or form. That also includes [mis]representatives who circumvent the will of the people by using the power of their position. …