From: Cecilia Tanaka <>
>Wish you all a lovely weekend!  <3

>PS:  -  If you like Telegram stickers, there is a recent "Edward
Snowden pack" pretty cute.  One of the stickers says "From Russia with
love" and shows him sending kisses, hihi...  <3

My trip to Prague was rather eventful.  Got to Toronto, needed to transfer to another flight to Prague.  Got out, went through Customs.  Red Flag!!!  Canada doesn't like me, for my so-called "criminal record".   Rather than simply put me on the flight to Prague, they did the illogical thing and sent me to New York City, specifically LaGuardia.  Took a bus to JFK airport, then took a VERY long flight to...wait for it...MOSCOW!   And I don't mean Moscow Idaho.   Yes, Moscow Airport, Sheremetyevo.  (hope I spelled that right.   At least it's not in Cyrillic.).  (Cue the conspiracy theories that I've been replaced by a Russian clone, tovarisch!!!)

Actually, I had a choice:  Go to Moscow or Turkey.  I chose Moscow.  Why?  I figured the Turkish government might want to do the US Government a favor by locking me up for a few days or weeks, etc.   At the same time, I was fairly sure that the Russian government WOULDN'T do the same type of favor.  And it turns out I was right.  A few hours in Moscow were extremely uneventful.  If they knew _I_ was there, I couldn't tell.  They even had a Burger King!!!     Left on a 2-hour flight to Prague.   Sorta the modern equivalent of Lenin's "sealed railway train" back to Russia. 

Someday, I'd like to visit various celebrities, perhaps Snowden, and maybe Assange in London.

               Jim Bell