On 2/13/16, Georgi Guninski <guninski@guninski.com> wrote:
Brit spies can legally hack PCs and phones, say Brit spies' overseers
I'm wondering how well it's going to go over with the USG that Brit spies can legally hack US computers. Not that I don't trust The Reg or anything, but I wanted to see how well their story matched up with the ruling. Guess what? The PDF of the ruling has gone missing :) http://www.ipt-uk.com/section.aspx?pageid=8 The Tribunal is required by law (RIPA section 69(6)(b)) not to disclose material provided to it which would threaten the national interest, national security, operations against serious crime or any functions of the intelligence agencies. However, it has concluded that publication of a ruling on a point of law or on the basis of assumed facts does not compromise these areas or the ‘neither confirm nor deny’ principle by which the intelligence agencies operate. It seeks where possible to publish its judgments. I guess somebody decided it was best not to publish that particular ruling. Lee