No. Mass coverup. All US diplomatic stations have active electronic countermeasures both radio and ultrasound. The radio one is obvious, no need to explain it on slashdot. The ultrasound is not so well known. One of the ways to snoop on a conversation is to shine a modulated laser on the window and recover the sound from the doppler shift in the reflections. It is defeated by "shaking" the window. What we see here is a f*ckup by whatever contractor built the system (a few usual suspects come to mind). Instead of drowning snooping in white radio or ultrasound noise it is frying the diplomats' brains. That is the only plausible explanation, because it has now occurred in 25+ locations worldwide all of which are USA diplomatic sites. A lot of these were also sited in a places where it would have been difficulty for an adversary carrying a humongous and very "inconspicuous" antenna to point it at the embassy. Why the coverup? There are 45000 Department of State employees stationed overseas. Now count the payout to each of them for living and working in a brain fryer.