- There appear to be some substantial leaks in the last week or two. - And apprently Julian Assange recently released his statement "condemning the conduct of the case against him and trashing the allegations of rape of which he is accused" http://theduran.com/julian-assange-issues-statement-destroys-swedens-rape-ca... Extract of article: " Firstly, the rush to judgment against Julian Assange on the part of some people – casting aside any pretence of due process and of the presumption of innocence and without having heard his side of the story – has been nothing short of outrageous, and must unavoidably call into question their motivations. I have to say that I have also been dismayed at the readiness of some people to assume Assange’s guilt simply because he has been accused of rape without the full details of the case being known, and notwithstanding that it is a crime for which – as he carefully points out in his statement – he has never actually been charged. ... Whatever one thinks of the case against Assange, in light of the proceedings brought against him in the US he does have cause to fear what might happen to him were he to go to Sweden. It would have been entirely proper in light of this to interview him in Britain. Given that there is ample precedent for doing it, and no conceivable reason why it might prejudice the investigation, no remotely satisfactory reason has ever been given of why it was not done. The fact that it has now been done moreover shows that it was always possible to do, and that the Swedish prosecutor’s previous refusal to do it had no basis. " Link to Julian Assange's statement: https://justice4assange.com/IMG/html/assange-statement-2016.html -- * Certified Deplorable Neo-Nazi Fake News Hunter (TM)(C)(R) * Executive Director of Triggers, Ministry of Winning * Weapons against traditional \/\/European\/\/ values: http://davidduke.com/jewish-professor-boasts-of-jewish-pornography-used-as-a...