Dear City of Miami Public Records:

Kindly following up with you on this request. 

Would it be okay to ask for the first 100 documents for research purposes? 

Thank you, 

Gunnar Larson - |
MSc - Digital Currency 
MBA - Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip)
New York, New York 10001 

On Mon, Feb 14, 2022 at 7:18 PM <> wrote:

-- Attach a non-image file and/or reply ABOVE THIS LINE with a message, and it will be sent to staff on this request. --

City of Miami Public Records
A message was sent to you regarding record request #22-459:

Good evening,

Compared to the initial terms, the only term omitted was STX. In all likelihood, this will not provide more concise search results. We will propose new search terms soon.


A message was sent to you regarding record request #22-459:

The Department of Innovation and Technology has completed the search for the above referenced Public Records Request. The search yielded 13,092 e-mails (which may include duplicate e-mails or non-responsive e-mails to the exact request). Due to the voluminous nature of these e-mails we will need to charge a special service charge for the review and possible redactions of the e-mails prior to release to ensure compliance with Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, as amended.

Currently the rate to fulfill these requests is estimated at three (3) emails per minute. Accordingly, we estimate it will take 72.73 hours, at a rate of $39.36 to complete the review and fulfill the request. Thus, the estimated costs to produce is $2,862.78. Please be advised that this is an estimate and the cost is subject to change, as it may take less or more time to complete the review. Accordingly, we request a fifty (50%) percent deposit in the amount of $1,431.39. to begin review of the search results.

If you wish to proceed with the request, please mail, or bring the deposit in the form of cash or check to:

City of Miami

Attn: ACA Thomas Fossler

444 SW 2nd Avenue, 9th Floor

Miami, FL 33130


If remitting a check, please make it payable to the City of Miami and place PRR #22-459 on the check in the Memo line for ease of identifying your deposit. If remitting deposit in cash, please bring in an envelope with a closure and place PRR #22-459 on the front of the envelope. Upon receiving the deposit, we will begin reviewing the results yielded from the IT Search.


Please note that if the deposit is not remitted within thirty (30) calendar days, the request will be considered withdrawn and closed accordingly.