-------- Original Message --------
On Nov 4, 2019, 11:53 AM, < jamesd@echeque.com> wrote:

On 2019-10-22 13:41, Razer wrote:
> See this infographic: https://www.reddit.com/r/COMPLETEANARCHY/comments/dkspnx/the_actual_causes_of_insurrection_in_chile/

The riots are caused by "green energy"

Oil is getting cheaper, but public transport more expensive, because
"green energy" means less energy, which means less of the western lifestyle.

In practice green energy projects do not turn wind and solar into
energy. They turn wind and solar into superior holiness.

Most of the warmists are in it to shake down the energy grid for a few
dollars in the course of destroying western civilization. The rest are
in it as the latest excuse for socialism, because they want to murder
hundreds of millions of people all over again.