On Mon, Jun 29, 2020, 01:09 Punk-Stasi 2.0 <punks@tfwno.gf> wrote:
On Sun, 28 Jun 2020 17:51:07 -0700
Mirimir <mirimir@riseup.net> wrote:

> There's ~zero doubt that pigs can't fly. But the length of immunity
> after recovery from COVID-19 is clearly an open question.

        Still, your speculation is fear mongering propaganda. Also, you keep taking for granted that this 'covid' thing is real.

It's pretty real, I can swear it for my life, J.  I saw it in person.  I smelled it.  I touched it.  I hugged it.  I kissed it.  And said good bye in the end.  Hundreds of times in the last months.  Literally.  I got more 2 deaths today - number 199 and 200 - and decided it was enough.  I am feeling dead.

Yep, my body's answer to viruses can be very fun.  This one, for example, will never kill me.  Sorry, already tasted stronger flavours.  Not a pleasent experience, of course.  My blood was and is being used in medical researches and it is a bit annoying.  Gave researches some samples, gave a friend a donation - cancer, 500 ml - and, well, already did it before two weeks ago, donating blood to a public hospital.  So, I seem dead too.  Pale and cold.

Well, there are dozens, and dozens, and more dozens of lovely cute survivors too.  But they are wasted like me.

Now, I ask apologies to the whole list.  I did a lot of stupid noise here in the last days because I am a stupid OT person with an stupid OT life.  And because I wanted desperately to annoy 2  (or more, don't know, whatever)  stalkers.  

Uncomfortable sensation, I needed help, sorry.  One of them is deeply _out_ my life, so I am less stressed and will try to sleep.  And eating _decent_ choco because I need to celebrate my f* luck.  Sh*t, it seems so wrong and immoral doing it today, but...  well, the future can be cancelled still today...  or tomorrow...  or never...  who can know?

So, take care and try to be happy, boys and girls.  And after 7 July, I absolutely recommend the "Plague Songs" album.  It's indecent, immoral, great, amazing fun.  Musical registers of our little end of the world...  Not definitive, don't worry Mirimir.  We will have electricity, I swear.  But - coff, coff! - no 5G, hahaha!  ;)