On Wed, Aug 25, 2021, 11:14 PM grarpamp <grarpamp@gmail.com> wrote:
Well, I COULD say, "It's about time!" However, anybody who has owned a cell phone for more than a couple years is fully aware of the flood of robo-calls. Apparently, the FCC does nothing about it.
What's worse is that 100% of all calls CDR's are permanently recorded forever at the phone switch level. Any civil suit by FCC or end-user could subpoena proof of millions of robocalls to make claims, even including tracking back to unspoofable physical trunks and lines, and which airborne tower and IMEI, etc.
I thought this was all secured by the upper security sechelon (cia, nsa). Are you referring to more accessible recordings, or do you have an idea on how to access phone taps in a civil suit when needed? I do think one could do this if you got the fbi involved.