On 07/08/2017 10:58 PM, Shawn K. Quinn wrote:
On 07/09/2017 12:26 AM, #$%$ %$%$ wrote:
A warning to all Swedes and visitors to Sweden - by entering the Swedish "police no-go zones", you would be literally taking your life into your own hands and exposing yourself to street bralls, stalking, potential rape, knives and guns (and hand grenages are apparently very popular in Sweden these days), and so it would be utterly foolish, and not advisable, to enter such areas with a few mates, because THE SWEDISH POLICE
come into these areas to save your stupid arse! This is a hoax. Please see <http://www.snopes.com/sweden-crime-no-go-zone-police/>:
There are "no-go zones" in Sweden where the police can't enter. RATING FALSE Please fact check your news with a reliable source such as snopes.com BEFORE spreading on a public forum (including, but certainly not limited to, the cypherpunks mailing list).
Aside from my not seeing Snopes as an abiter of eternal truth, this has been debunked by (almost) every media network. Newsweek admits.
“For me it is more like 'go-go zones', it is where we work,"~Stockholm police chief Erik Åkerlund
Which IS what police everywhere do. Make money on crime caused by socioeconomics, and a Refugee IS a socioeconomic moneymaker for law enforcement AND the businesses who employ them with substandard work conditions, low pay, and all the rest. Predatory merchants... What qualifies an area as 'especially vulnerable?
Of the areas on Wednesday’s list, 23 are considered “especially vulnerable” where there is a “widespread disinclination to participate in the judicial process”
In other words, they don't believe in 'the laws' or the Just-Us shitstem. I can't blame them.
Police believe 5,000 criminals and 200 criminal networks are based across the 61 areas.
No word on what's considered 'criminal' here. Perhaps they got a parking ticket and (per the last comment) didn't pay it? In full: http://www.newsweek.com/sweden-police-vulnerable-areas-no-go-zones-628029