On Thu, 11 May 2017 18:10:51 -0500 "\\0xDynamite" <dreamingforward@gmail.com> wrote:
Those pushing the anthropomorphic climate change agenda never, AFAIK, ever admit that this view is ONLY consensus (based on data and models) but not independently verifiable via the Scientific Method, the gold standard for science.
You're talking in circles. What do you suppose the scientific method is, genius?
Aw poor dynamite. As it happens, I, unlike you, know that the scientific method is based on experimentation and trial and error applied to SMALL CLOSED SYSTEMS in a REPEATABLE FASHION. Exactly what you CANNOT do with the atmosphere. But really, talking to a lawyer, theocrat, statist, quack doctor and now enviro, while the titanic is sinking is kinda...pointless.