Hi coderman ^ any middle monkeys, On Thu, Apr 22, 2021, 2:02 PM coderman <coderman@protonmail.com> wrote:
That is not how a software developer, or an anarchist, ever behaves. Communication is crucial: but spending time primarily arguing gets very little done.
discussion is necessary to define the problem space - without a clear definition of the problem, you may attempt to solve non-problems, wasting time.
what is interesting about software development is that work done at the design phase impacts all the others after it: implementation, deployment, maintenance, and support.
in software security, you actually want to go slow and fully define your problems - screw up and you might not just break the app, you may destroy the privacy of your users!
I don't hear you introducing any ideas here, but I'm aware you have some form of the issue too. grarpamp mentioned a present aspect of security discussion: others can take what one discusses, before it is implemented. What problem spaces do you see or are passionate about? Are you working on anything? I don't know what is going on, so I assume it's whatever the worst possible thing is. That's always worked for me in the past. I've been forced to destroy evidence of some really important things, so I work on blockchain storage sometimes. I've also been deniably brainwashed so I work on eeg technology sometimes, so such things can have more proof some day. I'm interested in most other parts of problem spaces but haven't worked on most of them recently. Often I find myself gravitating towards AI technology which is clearly and slowly replacing software development. In my edge spaces I work with open hardware and radio a little. I'm not sure I'm _able_ to help these situations with work ... not because it is technically impossible, but because of my brainwashing ...
a penny wise up front saves pounds of error later...
that said: time spent talking past each other is not discourse - it's blathering; wasting time.
the key is to find and support productive conversations!
YES! Concise, clear, relevant, inclusive, and productive ...
No working community member waits, of their own free will, for others to solve their problems, unless they are not free to do so themselves.
the complexity of modern life often means we don't know how to solve the problems facing us. they are simply too intractable for a single individual to comprehend and resolve entirely themselves.
This is not something I expect to hear on a list of this nature.
the key here is to not get discouraged. remember that in decentralized systems each individual node contributes to the health of the whole.
we don't need to solve all our problems, but we should try to solve the immediate, tractable ones while supporting efforts to tackle larger issues.
Autonomy and code.
[[spam] like usual; I'm in a dissociated state posting this, and it's very hard to judge the content.]
code can indeed help solve our problems. but it also creates new ones... such is life ;P
That's a big statement, but on a small scale, when you learn to walk from a chair to a door, it involves discovering the many new problems of moving your legs and balancing your body upright: but still, you do eventually solve the entire tree of problems and reach that door with your legs. It's notable that this situation probably has a good solution that may or may not have code as its primary part. best regards,