On Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 10:16 AM, Razer <rayzer@riseup.net> wrote:
On 08/29/2016 03:54 PM, Steve Kinney wrote:
On 08/29/2016 06:30 PM, grarpamp wrote:
https://www.yahoo.com/news/fbi-says-foreign-hackers-penetrated-0000001 75.html
The FBI has uncovered evidence that foreign hackers penetrated two state election databases...
This is an outrage! That information is supposed to cost money, dammit. It's public record and anyone can buy it, so the Russians had no business breaking in to copy it. Cheap bastards.
There NOTHING here to indicate a hack no less a RUSSIAN hack except the FBI's "Suspected" say-so.
"Matt Roberts, a spokesman for the Arizona Secretary of State’s Office, said state authorities were notified last month by the FBI of the ***SUSPECTED*** hack, when it was discovered the username and password of a county election official were being circulated online."
"...authorities ***BELIEVE*** the source of the attempted intrusion was a Russian hacker."
This could have been a simple cybersecurity fuckup on the part of [username]
http://www.azcentral.com/story/tech/news/2016/08/29/ hackers-hit-arizona-illinois-voter-databases/89547326/
And even if it were a Russian hacker, it's a long trip from there to its being a hacker working under orders from the Russian government for the purpose of swaying the US election. Arizona kinda makes sense since it looks like the vote will be close there and it's winner-take all. But why Illinois? There's no way to swing Illinois toward Trump and not get caught. Of course, that assumes that the supposed hack was targeted only at those states, when it's more likely every state was targeted and either only those states had vulnerabilities the hackers could find, or only those states had enough auditing in place to even know they'd been hit. Given the general state of computer security in government, especially state government, databases, my money's on the last one. And the most likely motives are money, embarrassing the government, and lulz. Probably all three. Maybe they were Russian, maybe they were Ukranians pretending to be coming from Russia, or maybe the NSA is pulling a fast one on the FBI. It's also possible the FBI is simply lying, but then we're back to the problem of why Illinois? If you were going to make up a Russian hack for the purpose of swaying the election, wouldn't you pick likely swing states?