On 06/02/2015 02:41 PM, Softy wrote:
If an individual fails to adhere to guidelines of their Society, they are punished.
I want to beg the point here. One of the guidelines of American society was implicit, institutionalized racism, and many people were punished in myriad ways for trying to change that. Some ended up dead. When I was a chld back in elementary school (vamping on Jim Morrison vamping on Lord Buckley), knee bends were a common gym exercise. Now they're known to cause knee damage and no longer practiced as part of a current school gym fitness program. Being able to swim meant you were a witch. Should I continue listing examples? I'd rather rant. Society punishes people alright, but that doesn't make that society's judgment correct, moral or ethical. I'd say the same for punishment of children for not performing to their parent's expectations assuming the child was not in any physical danger, and parents in American society often think the most harmless things are dangerous... Because they simply 'don't get out very much'. Wear a beard in my town full of clean-shaven upwardly mobile yuppies and dinks and they shy away from you like you're Charlie Manson incarnate. But simply go bald-faced, and no one thinks your strange at all until they find out after-the-fact you're going out to fern bars picking up women in your Izod Dockers and rollie costume for the purpose of raping them. Most industrial society parents are literally vicious morons and they should NOT be allowed to punish children for not conforming. Native Americans didn't, and in my child-rearing years I didn't, and you know, my kids turned out just fine thanks.