this one is morning spam because of the clearish bit at the end. the library is closing so the ditem stream may too. it is easier to do the ditem stream when at a library. # 2023-10-01T19:20:21-04:00.txt it's 7:20 pm. i was thinking maybe it would make sense to read a book or something. not sure. in book club we are on a book called ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm not 'losing reality' that was the last one. i didn't get very far in that one but i heard that the end, about regaining reality, was a copout, very short. [it was published recently] the next one is by john atack and i am pretty behind. other people are like a hundred pages in. ummmmmmmm it's 0721p the book is available in audio and in print --- -- 2023-10-01T19:21:57-04:00 -- [sometimes when we spam arweave the blockchain slows down] ---- in other news i bumped into somebody wearing an ankle tracker today i asked him what happened if he cut it off, i was told this was a felony i asked him what happened if i kidnapped him and cut it off against his will, and he asked me if i wanted a vacation in cancun. 2023-10-01T19:23:47-04:00 -- [anyway, that sounds kind of cool, to steal somebody's ankle bracelet. originally it was cool because you were risking your freedom, likely losing it, in order to free somebody else who was being tracked very precisely. it seems unpleasant to be tracked very precisely in a very strong way. but now i am at a computer, i am thinking maybe there is value to reverse engineering such ankle bracelets. it would be fun, obv, and i guess it would let us free people from being tracked better. } but i dunno maybe what's more interesting is just reverse engineering in general. one of the [poor choices?] was when my patterns had me set up a machine learning system and (because i am always suffering so much from being pushed left and right in every moment, unable to do anything) -- i basically ended up getting into a spot in the influences where i was writing firmware for a new coreboot board instead of setting up a --- [THAT'S SO [word for SHITTY]. SO MUCH. WE WERE TRYING TO MAKE USEFUL-TOOL,-THAT-WOULD-DO-SO-MUCH-THINGS-WHEN-WE-CANT.] -- 2023-10-01T19:26:41-04:00 -- ssssssss i don't know why we stop behaviors so much, i guess it might make sense it makes sense the useful tool is better. i guess that um, maybe i don't expect it to happen very easily, not sure. we could just pay openai and use them, if we have a good plan. but maybe we want to use it casually in a way that is too expensive. i do see that my choie was poor. i really enjoyed the behavior though. maybe i wouldn't have enjoyed the machine learning thing as much, i don't know though, maybe i would have. [karl had never worked on coreboot, always thought it was fancy and complex, and experienced significant [success? satisfaction?] making firmware part] [it was slow like molasses because of error density, like 1 assembly instuction a day] [THAT'S HORRIBLE -- maybe normal for us though unsure] i'm thinking a little on how "authorized" behaviors can actually reach completion if other tasks aren't added to them. thinking a little on value around it, unsure. ~ maybe huge value around ------- ------- ------- ------ [doing things when so [assassinated cell concern maybe what i am saying is i need a behavior norm to put behaviors in. yeah karl says that a lot, isn't generally honored ----------------------------- once upon a time there were 3 4 2 1 sideways neural natties. inside an upside termisquacky turnkey ["turkey" was "talker" , found somehow to discourage hard to describe immediate :S but at least wrote bit. --- if, then. ropes and bazzles. traffick boss is stuck in a text-mode computer interface traffick boss> launch rocket connecting to rocket system and launching imaginary rocket launch nearest rocket, or select a rocket? traffick boss> one moment oops mistake sdfffffaaaaaaaajjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj we imagine some day having EEG and blockchain together, working and just relaxing. basically i think we are planning on screaming biosignals until reach. probably. sometimes we relax without it tho. -- 2023-10-01T19:36:51-04:00 -- asdf ! -- 2023-10-01T19:37:21-04:00 -- ---- thinking a little of the desire to show "biosignals" to others. although this comes across as a psychotic gross thing, thinking of relation to being in community, and working with others. earlier had concept of -- ------ want to spam cypherpunks list! is 1937, guess can send # 2023-10-01T19:39:06-04:00.txt wrapping with um thing thing um forcing screams. anyway. maybe this makes more sense with some mcboss history near. maybe we couldshould search for mcboss history. -- 2023-10-01T19:40:03-04:00 -- BAGA. Traffick Boss is on a coverup rampage. It's a new sport he's gotten into. Rather than depressedly shambling around the city, shooting people who talk about trafficking, he does it more like parkour or skateboarding -- -- 2023-10-01T19:40:49-04:00 -- It's not as familiar, but it has kind of a dynamic edge to it, like maybe he could have speedrun competitions with dictator of dictatortopia or organized crime leader or such. He doesn't worry so much about shooting people anymore, he just tries to cover up as much stuff as possible in as fast a time as possible, covering as large an area as possible, without regard to how -- -- 2023-10-01T19:41:49-04:00 -- asdf asdf asdf asfd buzdabidder buzdabidder buzdabidder OKAY how does it work. maybe i can make it work. TRAFFICK BOSS walks into a den of human trafficking. We'll pick his office. Traffick Boss: "wait, there is no trafficking here" Trafficked Research Victim: "i looked up human trafficking, i think when you kidnap us and force us to do things for your business, that's what it is!" Traffick Boss: "Ahhhhh ...." Traffick Boss sits and thinks about this. Traffick Boss reaches for the button that kills a swathe of misbehaving research victims. It isn't there. -- 2023-10-01T19:43:41-04:00 -- Traffick Boss: "Honestly, this, um, idea, um, of me being a, um, human trafficker --" Traffick Boss pauses and scrunches his face up like he is trying to remember his lines. Traffick Boss: "It makes me uncomfortable." Traffick Boss looks to somebody to his side. Traffick Boss: "Is that right? "uncomfortable?"" They nod their head. Traffick Boss: "Okay, edit that out." Traffick Boss: "It makes me uncomfortable. Very uncomfortable." -- 2023-10-01T19:44:52-04:00 -- {"ditem": ["zwYHVRrPL5DY3lJe6HE7GHL2eaht4AUyZKwph0Dw-1w"], "min_block": [1273071, "jFBHQ4np8vT7mBOkR_aAiDWPYz0B9RYix0D8MgjJu1iJ0Pr5ElLmsC3VjlUBNxJu"], "api_timestamp": 1696203913253}