The Ministry strikes hard on this one - deep shills are deep propagandizing, hard and deep. Did I mention "deep"? Strategic Culture Foundation outs themselves as pro-Federal Reserve anti-Trump shills, whilst trying desperately to appear as pro-Trump anti-Chinese "patriots". Trump is effecting a divorce with China. The (((Federal Reserve banking system))) has over the last four or so decades, caused much of Western manufacturing capacity to be outsourced to China. This was done by removing all tarrifs and thereby causing Chinese wage costs to dominate manufacturing costs (i.e. savings for the mega corps), and as a bonus (for the Western mega corps) they got to escape fair whacks of corporation tax, keeping mucho profito offshore (again, we're talking corporations raping the markets with patents, copyrights, market dumping practices etc, not humans). So the West as a (necessary) result has largely turned into a bunch of dilapidated socialist welfare states. Sad, pathetic and undignified. But member the Fed, as it was the Fed that imposed all this and declared China a "Developing nation" (and still to this day get all these "status" benefits). Well, the destruction of Western nations by shipping our factories and production to China, thereby giving up a mojority of our jobs and destroying families in the process, has been, is and was the agenda of TPTB - the Fed. And so in the face of the divorce Trump is attempting, we get some incredible image montage attempts at counter propaganda, and this is some of the finest we've seen all year: Sociopaths On The Left & Sociopaths On The Right Work To Break Potential US-China Alliance Authored by Matthew Ehret via The Strategic Culture Foundation, Donald Trump is in a painful bind. The China-bashing traitors within his own party trying to pass themselves off as American patriots have done everything imaginable to destroy the one chance the President has to save America from the policies of economic and social decay which have mis-shaped the past 50 years of world history. ... Please! "Donald Trump's ONE chance to SAVE America, by striking a Trade Deal with China!" - Seriously? Yes, this is the level of double speak the Fed must go to in its vain attempt to keep the West focussed on infiniggimmigration, pozzed "culture" and anything, literally anything other than our right, collectively, to print our own money, to decide our own money. Want to "save America"? Then end the Fed - our most insidious parasite.