On Sat, Aug 06, 2016 at 07:14:50AM +0000, jim bell wrote:
From: jim bell <jdb10987@yahoo.com>
To: Zenaan Harkness <zen@freedbms.net>; "cypherpunks@cpunks.org" <cypherpunks@cpunks.org> Sent: Saturday, August 6, 2016 12:06 AM Subject: Re: Quantum entangled-photon Chinese satellite: Article on Bell Inequality test experiments in Wikipedia article.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bell_test_experiments This article describes the various experiments over the years. I don't remember where i foundthe factor of 10,000 'c' velocity that the hypothetical interfering signal would have to travel atto interfere. Ooops! Found it at: http://newatlas.com/quantum-entanglement-speed-10000-faster-light/26587/
Quantum "spooky action at a distance" travels at least 10,000 times faster than light
Brian Dodson March 10, 2013 The speed of entanglement dynamics is at least 10,000 times faster than light according to Prof. Juan Yin and colleaguesQuantum entanglement, one of the odder aspects of quantum theory, links the properties of particles even when they are separated by large distances. When a property of one of a pair of entangled particles is measured, the other "immediately" settles down into a state compatible with that measurement.
This certainly sounds like FTL information transfer. Time to go to town: - we need a storage primitive and it seems we have one: Inside a photon prison, a light-and-matter hybrid is born http://newatlas.com/light-matter-strong-coupling/43883/ - we are breaking the diffraction limit: Graphene optical lens a billionth of a meter thick breaks the diffraction limit http://newatlas.com/optical-lens-one-billionth-meter-thick/41588/ - the operating temperature of relevant devices is rising: Macroscopic quantum entanglement achieved at room temperature http://newatlas.com/quantum-entanglement-nuclei-university-chicago-argonne/4... - light/ photons may be individually controllable: New form of light promises boost for photonic computing http://newatlas.com/light-electron-quantum-imperial-college/44729/ - more control of light: New ‘microlens’ could lead to ultra-powerful satellite cameras and night-vision devices http://newatlas.com/microlens-for-ultra-powerful-satellites-cameras-night-vi... - matter on the way to being created from light, star trek transporter eat your heart out: Groundbreaking experiment aims to create matter from light http://newatlas.com/experiment-to-turn-light-into-matter/32107/ - optical antennas harnessing the wave side of photons: 1) Optical antenna may allow LEDs to replace lasers in host of devices http://newatlas.com/nano-optical-antenna-led-laser-optical-communications/35... 2) Nano antenna amplifies light by a factor of 1,000 http://newatlas.com/nano-antenna-amplifies-light/16460/ - and undoubtedly many more things are sure to be discovered yet. http://newatlas.com/search/?q=gold+photon&sa=Search So the future of wavicles, subspace / 5th dimensional (beyond 3D + time) spooky actions all over the universe and endless new toys looks bright, as in light, as in abundant and stand out in an effusive and very visible way, as in...
So how fast is "immediately"?
Fast enough - that's how fast.