On Tue, 17 Oct 2017 23:46:31 -0400 Steve Kinney <admin@pilobilus.net> wrote:
... The good news: Anarchists, rejoice! The survivors will have nothing to lose but their chains!
I certainly would welcome a disaster that seriously crippled the industrial-fascist system. But I'm not realy holding my breath. I don't think the pseudo-scientific apocalyptic 'narrative' is true. But again, assuming for argument's sake that it is, what can then easily happen is that the survivors will be the most corrupt and vicious members of the species. You know, natural selection...The people who have more resources, the people who control the system, are the ones who are more likely to survive.
The mega-State and massively concentrated wealth and power making anything like self rule or an even break impossible are on the way out.
Seems to me that the only way to get rid of wealth and power concentration is to start smashing cops heads. Natural disasters won't smash cops heads.
The last generation that will remember our present way of life as "normal" has already been born. If the humans manage to catch a few lucky breaks, a "better" world than our own fictional Good Old Days could arrive as early as 2200, and is likely to last FAR longer than the Industrial Age: The means of repeating the same mistakes will not exist.