No greater liars than US Democrats
Joe Biden the worst self-lying political and country destroying fraud of them all next to Hillary. Biden old man dementia has fatuation with big trucks, little girls, nasty attitude, smashing things like economics, and enacting neo-left prog scams. When you elect garbage, you get garbage. So says all national opinion polls to date. Biden Babbles And Lies About Being An 18-Wheeler Truck-Driver... Again During a speech Monday regarding trucking supply chains, Joe Biden bizarrely claimed that he used to be a truck driver, had an 18 wheeler that he drove around, as well as a colleague called ‘Big Mama’. In one of the most flagrant examples of Biden just making up stuff, he said “I used to drive a truck. It’s a long story – anyway… and I thought I was gonna get to drive one of these suckers today,” while motioning to one of the prop Mack trucks behind him. Watch: Biden repeats false claim he used to be a truck driver — Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) April 4, 2022 Biden also claimed “there was a guy who ran steel from Deemer Steel out to Ohio, and so I decided to ride out with him and see what it was like on the strike, and I was driving, going through Shiloh, Ohio.” He continued, “Anyway, that’s another story too. Look, it’s getting harder and harder to recruit new drivers, particularly women and people of color, to an industry that this nation and our economy desperately needs at full strength.” Biden: "There was a guy who ran steel ... and uh, his handle was big 10 ... he called and said 'big 10 wanting to come in,' I forget exactly how he said it, and the only woman truck driver I ever knew I met that day. She said this is big mama. No room. Swear to God. True story." — Washington Free Beacon (@FreeBeacon) April 4, 2022 What the fuck is he talking about? He’s been a politician practically all his life. He’s never been a truck driver. Biden has made this claim before, but it turned out all he actually did was get in a truck for a publicity stunt in 1973. There is zero evidence that Biden "used to drive an 18 wheeler" The extent of Biden's trucking experience is that he **rode in** a truck once, for one night in 1973 (he made sure to return home by plane though) — Zach Parkinson (@AZachParkinson) July 28, 2021 After he finished claiming he was a truck driver, Biden asked his handlers “What do we do now?” before stumbling off and sniffing a little girl in the crowd: "What do we do now?" Biden asks his handlers what he's supposed to do after his speech, then wanders off to talk to a little girl in the crowd. — MRCTV (@mrctv) April 4, 2022