Corrupt Rich Politicians always working to keep you down, make everything FUD, criminal, and kill your freedom to transact... MONEY SERVICE BUSINESS DESIGNATION.—The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network shall promulgate SIL22D58 4XW S.L.C. 3 1 a rule classifying custodial and unhosted wallet providers, 2 cryptocurrency miners, validators, or other nodes who may 3 act to validate or secure third-party transactions, inde- 4 pendent network participants, including MEV searchers, 5 and other validators with control over network protocols 6 as money service businesses. Wallets are explicitly defined right within the bill to now be defined as money transmitter businesses And a CBDC by definition is a central bank digital currency which would be a crypto token by definition. [–]blahblah320 194 points 2 days ago Her reaction to the whole GameStop debacle was basically just, “I think we should prevent retail from trading options to protect them from these scary swings”. I’d never seen something so tone deaf in my life. She is the worst blend of populism and authoritarian corporatism there is. Anyone supporting this person needs to have their brain checked. permalink embed save report reply [–]partymslPlatinum | QC: CC 702 | r/WSB 16 43 points 2 days ago She will talk any shit to just protect her own privileges over other people. And making money by insider trading can be harder if you have the retail participating and getting information about the markets roo. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]deathbyfish13Free Range Moon Farmer 16 points 2 days ago Yeah this is all just in her own self interests, nothing to do with protecting the people or combating fraud like she claims. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]Always_QuestionPlatinum | QC: CC 1076, ETH 477, BTC 115 | TraderSubs 21 12 points 2 days ago You mean, you don't think her $50 million net worth was fairly earned? (/s Note, she only makes a $200,000/yr gov salary, and before that a professor salary.) permalink embed save parent report reply [–]No-Judge6625Tin 13 points 1 day ago Umm she is also most likely the “founder” of some kinda “nonprofit” that takes “charitable contributions/donations” which she doesn’t take any money from except of coarse either a ridiculous salary… or the “foundation” does things on her behalf like buys a house and then “gifts or donates” the house to her… all so she can avoid all those pesky taxes that she has a part in writing that pay her ridiculous salary… that is for the rest of her life after 1 term… which u wanna talk bullshit waste of money… they get full retirement after 1 term…. If they were a HOR that means they get full retirement after 2 years… fuck these guys… that was a major oversight being able to let congress dictate its own wages and plans… I say u make it state to state what they get paid and the people get to vote on their salary every year in nov… Soo u did a good job u get to keep your pay.. u did a great job here is a raise.. u have a 14% popularity rating… pay cut time… and they need to have term limits and screw there retirement… they can buy into a 401k like the rest of us… ffs they are supposed to b public servants not treated like royalty… ugh… gets off soap box I feel better now… shrugs permalink embed save parent report reply [–]breadlover96Tin | MANA 8 -1 points 1 day ago Lol wut permalink embed save parent report reply continue this thread [–]ArchmageXinTin | Buttcoin 22 | Politics 69 3 points 1 day ago She and her husband together worth 12 million as of 2019, so I am interested in the 50M quote. And if you see from the article, 70% of that is from her and her husband's retirement fund, and she is a licensed lawyer and practices often on consulting work (which most of them ended after she became a senator) With that being said, she definitely had a few bad economic proposals, like the one where business financial reporting and tax reporting need to be same...which would effective abolish the US tax code and cripple Congress's power over purse. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]Always_QuestionPlatinum | QC: CC 1076, ETH 477, BTC 115 | TraderSubs 21 5 points 1 day ago Looks like it is actually $67 mil lol permalink embed save parent report reply [–]loaded-diper33Platinum | QC: CC 83 5 points 1 day ago I hate to say "rules for thee, not for me" again and again. But there just seem no better phrase than this. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]No-Judge6625Tin 0 points 1 day ago Ya know what’s a fun game to play… I call it copy pasta the politician… pick your fav politician… (since they are politicians they have to make all their stocks and stuff known to the public) the more the corrupt the better (but let’s be honest it’s just about all of them) make a new account on robinhood or any trader like that. Take whatever money u have to invest and make it match theirs by percentage… update it at least 1 time every 24hrs… and watch your investments soar!!! If u ever get caught up in some kinda charges saying u must b insider trading just say u are only doing exactly what your fav politician is trading in by percentage point… bonus points if u make it on the news with this!!! 😂🤣 permalink embed save parent report reply [–]djstocksBronze | QC: ETH 17 | Politics 14 1 point 1 day ago They don't actually report their trades. You MIGHT hear about them 30-45 days after the fact. Don't you think if it was that easy everyone would do it? permalink embed save parent report reply [–]CryptoScamee42069Bronze | QC: CC 22 1 point 1 day ago Keep them institutions the hell away from me markets roo permalink embed save parent report reply [–]mave_wreckTin | CC critic 14 points 2 days ago She just pretends to be populist (like all populists) but she only serves corporate America. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]blahblah320 9 points 2 days ago Honestly I think she’s more interested in power than money. She certainly talks like a populist and acts like one with the legislation she supports that actively hurts corporate interests in America. All of these politicians are a mixture of telling their constituents what they want to hear, corporate interest, and maybe a bit of their own personal political philosophy. It’s just the proportions that differ between them. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]Rey_MezcaleroSilver | QC: CC 116, BTC 64, ETH 23 | CRO 21 | JusticeServed 42 3 points 2 days ago Her ego is HUGE permalink embed save parent report reply [–]No-Judge6625Tin 1 point 1 day ago Yeah but I’d take that corporate shill over Kamala every/any day!!! Kamala scares me and she is one heartbeat away from being president… and that dude basically looks like the real life version of weekend at Bernie’s… mixed with baby’s day out… 😂🤣 permalink embed save parent report reply [–]ronoda12Tin | Superstonk 812 7 points 2 days ago Absolutely. Warren is a corporate shill pretending to care about retail and proposing bills so retail can never be rich. Or she is just a low IQ dumb fuck. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]Dieselpump510Silver | QC: CC 71, ETH 60, CCMemes 21 | ADA 18 | TraderSubs 57 3 points 2 days ago Crooked is way more likely than stupid. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]HereForTheNervesTin 2 points 1 day ago The two most insidious misconceptions about politicians: 1. They're not very bright. 2. They mean well. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]MasterSpoonPlatinum | QC: CC 25 | r/CMS 9 2 points 2 days ago That’s very sexist of you. /s permalink embed save parent report reply [–]stoneman9284 0 points 2 days ago Just like every other politician, all of whom are controlled by corporate finances. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]AriesWintersPlatinum | QC: CC 103 0 points 2 days ago That's the deal with all politicians. When your whole campaign was funded by corporate America, it doesn't matter what motive you might have because you are going to spend all of your elected tenure trying to pay back those debts. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]drbobbeanPlatinum | QC: CC 91 2 points 1 day ago 100% agree... her and the MA treasurer... Galvin something or other completely misunderstood the entire debaucle... they were so confused by the topic and wanted to put laws in place for things they didn't understand. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]UpperVoltTin 2 points 1 day ago Unfortunately masses are mostly pleased with that sort of statements. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]amke12Bronze | 1 month old | QC: CC 23 2 points 2 days ago I watched it live. One of the most frustrating experiences ever permalink embed save parent report reply [–]buzzgunTin 1 point 1 day ago Democrat leftist publicity hound. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]arcalusPlatinum | QC: CC 182 0 points 1 day ago Corporatism, there’s one for the books. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]buzzgunTin 1 point 1 day ago You can always trust someone who claims she's an American Indian but is in fact as whitebread as they come. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]ClintakBronze 11 points 2 days ago What do you know - a politician trying to reduce freedom? Crazy talk! permalink embed save report reply [–]Every_Hunt_160Platinum | QC: CC 672 | r/SSB 10 41 points 2 days ago Why do all these dinosaurs love to control us so much ? permalink embed save report reply [–]AriesWintersPlatinum | QC: CC 103 24 points 2 days ago Because the corporates that have these dinosaurs in their pockets tells them so permalink embed save parent report reply [–]deathbyfish13Free Range Moon Farmer 7 points 2 days ago Why do all these dinosaurs corporates love to control us so much ? permalink embed save parent report reply [–]UglysinglenearyouBronze 3 points 2 days ago Greed permalink embed save parent report reply [–]PooPooDooDooBronze | GMEJungle 32 | Superstonk 284 2 points 1 day ago All roads lead to money. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]loaded-diper33Platinum | QC: CC 83 1 point 1 day ago If only bitcoin has a ceo to pay these guys. But alas, crypto is a double edged sword. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]Every_Hunt_160Platinum | QC: CC 672 | r/SSB 10 2 points 1 day ago Corrupt dinosaurs! permalink embed save parent report reply [–]juanckjimTin 5 points 2 days ago "And when he woke up, the dinosaur was still there" permalink embed save parent report reply [–]1Tim1_15Platinum | QC: CC 740, BTC 210, XMR 51 | ADA 23 3 points 2 days ago It's not age. For example, Cynthia Lummis is another old Senator who loves crypto, like Pat Toomey and Tom Emmer (he's a Representative), just to name a few. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]natures3tripping on Cosmos 3 points 2 days ago So you don’t lose the other 10% that you have left after being down 90%? permalink embed save parent report reply [–]Every_Hunt_160Platinum | QC: CC 672 | r/SSB 10 1 point 1 day ago Didn’t hear no dinosaurs saying otherwise when everyone was getting free money in the bull market permalink embed save parent report reply [–]mave_wreckTin | CC critic 4 points 2 days ago Control us and just make money from us. So they can fund their 5 star hotel and private jet conferences to fight poverty. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]partymslPlatinum | QC: CC 702 | r/WSB 16 2 points 2 days ago Because that's how they can keep making money and no one hinders them. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]gnudarve 2 points 2 days ago Many people bend conservative as they age. The mind slows down, fear ramps up, frailty, reliance on others for your perspective and well being. People go downhill for a variety of reasons. It's why we always need new blood in politics. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]__sys_out_println__Tin | GME_Meltdown 21 1 point 1 day ago And why do they get elected over and over again? permalink embed save parent report reply [–]donaudeltaTin 18 points 2 days ago That woman is as bad as Hillary. Worst kind of humans being. permalink embed save report reply [–]thegaynglerTin 3 points 1 day ago Naaa I dont think so. Liz Warren has been proven right over and over again when it comes to banking and finance. Ya’ll are just lumping all white women as the same. But keep giving billionaires all your money to prop up their latest scam. They dont even have to give you anything of value but ya’ll hand them your money anyway. Lol! Its not insured by the government or anything. 🤣🤣🤣 Ya’ll were dumb enough to put your money into various crypto scams already… but now youre mad at Elizabeth Warren. 🤡🤡🤡 permalink embed save parent report reply [–]LordPubesTin -5 points 2 days ago You bought a Trump nft didn’t you? permalink embed save parent report reply [–]automatedcharterer 6 points 1 day ago nothing like convincing the peasants to fight eachother for their leaders when the leaders exploit all the peasants just as equally. Its actually ok to hate all politicians equally. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]unityVTin | 2 months old 2 points 1 day ago Agreed. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]unityVTin | 2 months old 10 points 2 days ago He could have bought all of them. Wouldn't make what he said any less true. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]LordPubesTin -8 points 2 days ago That’s like your opinion, proud trump nft bro permalink embed save parent report reply [–]unityVTin | 2 months old 10 points 2 days ago* Trump's a fucking moron that doesn't know when to shut up. The fact that a lot of dumb people like him has no bearing on the fact that what ol' buddy said up there is completely fucking true. False dichotomy is the cancer that's killing this country. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]SaneLadPlatinum | QC: CC 226, BTC 213, ETH 16 | r/WSB 289 3 points 1 day ago You don't need to be a Trump supporter to see Hillary Clinton as a terrible person. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]buzzgunTin 0 points 1 day ago "whattabout TruMp !!!!" permalink embed save parent report reply [–]LordPubesTin 1 point 1 day ago There’s the Trump defense Qult permalink embed save parent report reply [–]BlooberinoPlatinum | QC: CC 1344 27 points 2 days ago This is what regulation looks like, folks. permalink embed save report reply [–]tracingorionTin 5 points 2 days ago* Tell that to the Bitcoin maxis who would be perfectly happy making every other coin illegal to hold. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]Wash_Your_Bed_SheetsPlatinum | QC: BTC 54, CC 31 | CelsiusNet. 11 10 points 2 days ago They don't think this at all. They just think 99% should be considered securities and they really are permalink embed save parent report reply [–]tracingorionTin 2 points 2 days ago So all defi projects need to register as securities? I don't see how that's realistic or even enforceable. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]partymslPlatinum | QC: CC 702 | r/WSB 16 1 point 2 days ago There can arguably also be good regulations, that's mit impossible but most people in power have no intention to help us. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]AriesWintersPlatinum | QC: CC 103 1 point 2 days ago "Sometimes maybe good, sometimes maybe shit" permalink embed save parent report reply [–]SuccessfulLowDevTin | 1 month old | CC critic 29 points 2 days ago Is anyone surprised? It was never about combatting fraud, it’s about screwing over retail and taking as much control as they can. permalink embed save report reply [–]zdfasdfasfTin 12 points 2 days ago If she wants to combat fraud, she should look into the mirror. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]NabinatorBronze | DayTrading 7 7 points 2 days ago Or to her colleague, Nancy Pelosi permalink embed save parent report reply [–]mave_wreckTin | CC critic 2 points 2 days ago And beat the shit out of herself constantly. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]AriesWintersPlatinum | QC: CC 103 1 point 2 days ago She'd be shit scared probably, imagine looking at the mirror only to see a living corpse looking back at you. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]surebud234Tin | 3 months old | r/WSB 11 -2 points 2 days ago Geez bud. Talk about only reads the stuff he likes and ignores the rest. She would be the opposite of fraud. Everything she does has a binder and 2 different ways to implement the plan. She has shown to be the most prepared and well thought out when it comes to coming up with ideas. Fuck what she thinks some of the time but fraud isnt the right word. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]BlueShipmanTin | 4 months old 1 point 2 days ago So the corporations hand her a binder with two ways to fuck people over? What a saint she is. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]surebud234Tin | 3 months old | r/WSB 11 0 points 2 days ago Somebody is cherrypicking what parts of reality to comment on permalink embed save parent report reply [–]surebud234Tin | 3 months old | r/WSB 11 0 points 2 days ago Corporations? Have you ever read a single bill other than her crypto ones? You have no idea what youre talking about. None at all. Bernie sanders is always supporting billionaires and tax cuts for huge corporations too. Youre a clown permalink embed save parent report reply [–]rickie_kTin -1 points 2 days ago lmao permalink embed save parent report reply [–]Routine-Detail-5576Platinum | QC: CC 42 | Buttcoin 17 1 point 2 days ago Dang. Good burn. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]ValsinatsKrrtBronze | 5 months old 8 points 2 days ago I can’t help to take it personally, after these politicians “get their own” and become well off, they go and try to fuck me over and decrease my chances of ever getting financially better off. Fucking bitch permalink embed save parent report reply [–]fuzzyjuicypeachTin | 6 months old 3 points 2 days ago Well, it seems like she is trying to have her cake and eat it too. On the one hand, she's claiming to be cracking down on money laundering and national security threats, but on the other hand, it seems like the real goal is to exert as much control over the retail market as possible. Talk about a bait and switch! permalink embed save parent report reply [–]surebud234Tin | 3 months old | r/WSB 11 -1 points 2 days ago Is anyone surprised that the top comment did not read the article but started bitching like a karen anyways permalink embed save parent report reply [–]Castr0-We Shall HODL 5 points 2 days ago They don't want to erase their main way of work permalink embed save report reply [–]MikeLitoris5 16 points 2 days ago Would you like to know what Warren said, but don’t have the time to click the article? Then this comment is for you! "Rogue nations, oligarchs, drug lords, and human traffickers are using digital assets to launder billions in stolen funds, evade sanctions, and finance terrorism. The crypto industry should follow common-sense rules like banks, brokers, and Western Union, and this legislation would ensure the same standards apply across similar financial transactions. The bipartisan bill will help close crypto money laundering loopholes and strengthen enforcement to better safeguard U.S. national security." permalink embed save report reply [–]002timmy 12 points 2 days ago common-sense rules like banks, brokers, and Western Union. See, that’s the thing… I don’t think a lot of banking rules make any sense at all permalink embed save parent report reply [–]BlueShipmanTin | 4 months old 3 points 2 days ago Rogue nations, which one in particular is using crypto.... I would love to hear this. Probably completely fabricated. Oh and name some oligarchs too please. Oh and human traffickers use cash, not crypto. Alright, she is just making stuff up. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]flextrek_whipsnake 3 points 2 days ago What did people think crypto regulation would look like if not this? permalink embed save parent report reply [–]GoonzooPlatinum | QC: CC 55[S] 2 points 2 days ago Good Bot permalink embed save parent report reply [–]Icy_Ear_Bronze | 1 month old 2 points 2 days ago I'm conflicted on this as she is right on many of those accounts. Are the regulations a solution? I'm not sure as those can be very harmful to crypto. On the other hand, it would be good to stop all those dirty things and scams, so the institutional investors could enter the market on known set of rules creating stability and hopefully prosperity. But do we trust those regulations to be fair to the people, or can they end up serving only rich financial elites like in traditional financial sector? And last, but probably most importantly, should we rely on trust again? Crypto meant to fix this particular issue. 🤨🧐 permalink embed save parent report reply [–]coinfeeds-botApproved CC Bot 4 points 2 days ago tldr; A new bill in the US aims to extend the financial surveillance state cooked up by drug warriors and anti-terrorism fearmongers to cryptocurrencies. "Rogue nations, oligarchs, drug lords, and human traffickers are using digital assets to launder billions in stolen funds, evade sanctions, and finance terrorism," Sen. Elizabeth Warren said. "The crypto industry should follow common-sense rules like banks, brokers, and Western Union," she added. This summary is auto generated by a bot and not meant to replace reading the original article. As always, DYOR. permalink embed save report reply [–]fishybiz87Tin 9 points 2 days ago Elizabeth Warren is a terrorist have you ever seen the crap she posts online... let's Chizzle those rights you american citizens have under the CONSTITUTION. REMOVE THEM ALL START FRESH no more corporate buy ins from now on... I know wishful thinking... permalink embed save report reply [–]sandpaperboxingmatchTin | 2 months old 7 points 2 days ago Agreed, I am sick of this being peddled as something that will "protect" us permalink embed save report reply [–]DemonBelethCatTin | 1 month old 2 points 1 day ago Sadly, that works for general public. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]365Dillweed365Platinum | QC: CC 261 4 points 2 days ago This somehow reminds me of my wife making me a list of shit “we” need to do. Just the feel of it. permalink embed save report reply [–]prthu001Tin | 5 months old 6 points 2 days ago Elizabeth Karen wants to talk to bitcoin manager permalink embed save report reply [–]TheMissingNTLDR 1 point 2 days ago now!! permalink embed save parent report reply [–]z0uNdzPlatinum | QC: CC 90 2 points 2 days ago Its almost like these lawmakers are completely out of touch with reality. All they do is push the agendas of whomever stuff their pockets, and in this case its big banks. They are terrified of crypto and the problems it solves and want to stifle innovation and will end up sending talent across seas. This will only hurt the US and retail while protecting the rich permalink embed save report reply [–]CreepToeCurrentSeaUsername says it all 2 points 2 days ago Stop guys you know Elizabeth just wants to keep your funds SAFU! /s permalink embed save report reply [–]bullygrassBronze | TraderSubs 12 2 points 2 days ago What she really wants is for you to give your wallet addresses to the IRS. That'll happen eventually, unfortunately. permalink embed save report reply [–]a-bluetooth88Tin 2 points 2 days ago americans discovering that their politicians want slaves instead free people. tick tack tick tack tick tack permalink embed save report reply [–]szertedTin 2 points 2 days ago Just like we expected more from her... permalink embed save report reply [–]Lemon_LemoonTin | 2 months old 2 points 2 days ago These scumbag politicians just wanna maintain there control. permalink embed save report reply [–]Bunker_BeansPlatinum | QC: CC 224, BTC 40 | ADA 18 2 points 2 days ago Listening to her speak is like getting a free helping of dumb. Love free dumb. permalink embed save report reply [–]EugeneKrabsCPA 2 points 2 days ago This article is ass lol. Oh no the government wants to know what crypto wallet belongs to who. How will third world countries use it to store value!!!!! permalink embed save report reply [–]thegaynglerTin 2 points 1 day ago Naaa I dont but that. People think they are going to get rich quick. Life doesnt work that way. When it does we should be highly skeptical. permalink embed save report reply [–]ZeeratsTin 2 points 1 day ago She should retire and leave the decisions for the future in the hands of those who'll live in it permalink embed save report reply [–]QuickLockCryptoBronze | QC: CC 22 4 points 2 days ago Of course it does. Would you expect anything less from corrupt politicians? permalink embed save report reply [–][deleted] 2 days ago [deleted] [–]QuickLockCryptoBronze | QC: CC 22 1 point 2 days ago I believe they already get their cut. They want control. Greed can only be completely satisfied with total control. permalink embed save report reply [–]sirwilliam732Tin 3 points 2 days ago If this passes guaranteed we see a CBDC in the next year permalink embed save report reply [–]stormdeltaTin | 1 month old | Buttcoin 8 3 points 2 days ago As someone who is deeply opposed to cryptocurrencies, I really don't think we'll see a CBDC anytime soon. There's very little public support for it even among the wealthy, let alone everyone else. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]sirwilliam732Tin 2 points 2 days ago This is the surveillance state that we are talking about though and issuing a CBDC would allow the government to monitor and track non kyc wallets through interactions and would be the way to enforce the proposed legislation permalink embed save parent report reply [–]stormdeltaTin | 1 month old | Buttcoin 8 2 points 1 day ago "Wallets" are just private keys and generally specific to a given chain. A CBDC wouldn't even be a cryptocurrency in the first place, and would largely be orthogonal to any new KYC requirements for exchanges (there is proposed legislation there, I'm just saying that that legislation isn't related to nor depends on CBDCs). To be clear, I don't support CBDCs either. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]sirwilliam732Tin 1 point 1 day ago MONEY SERVICE BUSINESS DESIGNATION.—The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network shall promulgate SIL22D58 4XW S.L.C. 3 1 a rule classifying custodial and unhosted wallet providers, 2 cryptocurrency miners, validators, or other nodes who may 3 act to validate or secure third-party transactions, inde- 4 pendent network participants, including MEV searchers, 5 and other validators with control over network protocols 6 as money service businesses. Wallets are explicitly defined right within the bill to now be defined as money transmitter businesses And a CBDC by definition is a central bank digital currency which would be a crypto token by definition. permalink embed save parent report reply continue this thread [–]1Tim1_15Platinum | QC: CC 740, BTC 210, XMR 51 | ADA 23 3 points 2 days ago For sure. Biden's so-called "crypto" Executive Order (does nothing for crypto but paves the way for a CBDC) all but guarantees that it's coming. He used an Executive Order because it bypasses the people. Gotta have that control. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]Intelligent_Page2732Platinum | QC: CC 918 3 points 2 days ago This ain't a future where I wanna be a part off if this bill get's accepted. permalink embed save report reply [–]DeeperBagsPlatinum | QC: CC 29 3 points 2 days ago Hey, atleast you're not in Canada where they're trying to ban all leverage and class stablecoins as securities 😡 permalink embed save parent report reply [–]Legitimate_Suit_3431Silver | QC: CC 98, BTC 18, ETH 16 | ADA 16 | TraderSubs 15 3 points 2 days ago No surprise there. The world powers is hard at work decreasing freedom for ordinary people permalink embed save report reply [–]mave_wreckTin | CC critic 3 points 2 days ago Crypto Karen is back at it again. permalink embed save report reply [–]kirtash93The Ash Ketchum of Crypto | Gotta Catch 'Em All 2 points 2 days ago Like always, the gov wants to fuck us. permalink embed save report reply [–]cheekynandosplzTin | 1 month old 2 points 2 days ago She just screams "Karen" doesn't she permalink embed save report reply [–]DeeperBagsPlatinum | QC: CC 29 2 points 2 days ago She is such a fucking clown. Can't believe simpletons like her manage to end up where they are in life. I heard a statistic though, that she has wrote something like 300+ bills in her time in office and only 1 has been passed, so like 0.3% hit rate.. I think we'll be K. permalink embed save report reply [–]fuzzyjuicypeachTin | 6 months old 2 points 2 days ago This proposed legislation is more focused on extending financial surveillance and cracking down on perceived crimes, rather than addressing actual issues of fraud within the cryptocurrency industry. While it's important to address issues of money laundering and national security, it's also important to recognise the potential benefits of cryptocurrencies as a store of value and means of exchange, particularly in countries where traditional financial systems may not be reliable. It's important to find a balance between addressing illicit activity and preserving the potential advantages of cryptocurrencies. The potential for cryptocurrencies to enable financial freedom and bypass traditional financial systems is viewed as a threat by some politicians, rather than as a positive aspect of the technology smh permalink embed save report reply [–]Roberto9410Platinum | QC: CC 831 2 points 2 days ago It’s never really about fraud prevention, they just wanna make sure if there is fraud their friends are getting a cut! permalink embed save report reply [–]DynamoDylanPlatinum | QC: CC 227 2 points 2 days ago Shes a old dog that cant learn new tricks. permalink embed save report reply [–]TuggenBallZ2 - 3 years account age. -25 - 25 comment karma. 2 points 2 days ago Lol as Warren has any idea of what crypto is, how it works, or how to impact it in any meaningful way. She is such a fucking clown. Amazing she was a presidential candidate at one point permalink embed save report reply [–]Technical_Order7673Tin | 2 months old | CC critic 3 points 2 days ago Rogue nations, oligarchs, drug lords, and human traffickers are using digital assets to launder billions in stolen funds, evade sanctions, and finance terrorism. She thinks by bringing supposed regulations they will stop all the illegal activities in one shot. permalink embed save report reply [–]eudezetPlatinum | QC: CC 27 | GMEJungle 6 | Superstonk 365 4 points 2 days ago She doesn't think, her puppeteers do the thinking for her. And this was never about illegal activities, just regulating what you have no control over. She's a paid anti-shill. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]Double-LRPlatinum | QC: BTC 17 1 point 2 days ago Let’s rewind to TARPA. She guzzles their Kool-Aid. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]len2680 3 points 2 days ago she is full of shit. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]LordPubesTin 2 points 2 days ago Funny reading these grandstanding “muh freedumbs” replies, but the second you get scammed you’re here shrieking for the government to get involved and why they’re taking so long lmao turds permalink embed save report reply [–] 0 points 2 days ago What a stupid fucking headline. "Gun laws target the freedom of having guns, not mass shooters" "Road laws target you going 5mph over the speed limit, not Tokyo Drifters" "The FDA limits what food and drugs you can buy, not the companies making them" permalink embed save report reply [–]HeroinAndyCxBronze | QC: CC 15 1 point 2 days ago Yes, you could clearly hear that during the meeting. All they did was talking about money laundering and how unproductive the whole crypto market is supposed to be. They did'nt even focus on ftx. permalink embed save report reply [–]Zealousideal_Neck78Platinum | QC: DOGE 118, BTC 58, LW 22 | ZIL 16 1 point 2 days ago Stop showing her picture, it gives me gas. permalink embed save report reply [–]Pundisputed 1 point 2 days ago Fuck that, we’ll fight back. permalink embed save report reply [–]Outrageous_Duty_8738 1 point 2 days ago Governments are the biggest fraudsters of all. They just want to control everything and take your financial freedom and choice away from you. They are terrified of crypto because it’s a threat to their traditional banking system. permalink embed save report reply [–]amke12Bronze | 1 month old | QC: CC 23 1 point 2 days ago Couldn't have said it better myself permalink embed save report reply [–]slap_dashTin 1 point 2 days ago Yes, and water is wet. Obviously! Continuously wanting to screw the little guy. permalink embed save report reply [–]eetaylogPlatinum | QC: CC 748 | VET 7 1 point 2 days ago It wont pass. Shes only ever managed to pass a handful of bills in her career. This aint one of them. permalink embed save report reply [–]Stunning-Reading-545Tin 1 point 2 days ago Elephants have two tooth. One is to show. permalink embed save report reply [–]Forward42Tin 1 point 2 days ago Ah….the good old fashioned rope a dope. permalink embed save report reply [–]Durpy15648DCA & HODL 1 point 2 days ago Just roll out big regulation already so we can start the long and tedious process of fixing the fuck ups and polishing this turd. permalink embed save report reply [–]letsridetheworldBronze | QC: CC 20 1 point 1 day ago We have politician who have zero ideas of thing they wanna propose a bill for but to limit average joes from getting rich and having the financial freedom they have. Jealousy and greed are wild. permalink embed save report reply [–]EluchelPlatinum | QC: CC 486 | PCmasterrace 28 1 point 1 day ago Is that surprising? She is a crazy control freak permalink embed save report reply [–]Vernons_TrinitySilver | QC: CC 131, DOGE 15 | ADA 51 1 point 1 day ago Elisabeth Warren needs to stop getting pegged by big banks permalink embed save report reply [–]Optimal-Two-6382Tin | Superstonk 104 1 point 1 day ago A grifter is gonna grift. This is just smoke signals. See what I did there. Haaa. permalink embed save report reply [–]vegetablewizardTin 1 point 1 day ago Politicians always reveal their true colors eventually, so much for representation permalink embed save report reply [–]AllaroundlostPlatinum | QC: DOGE 65 | r/WSB 43 1 point 1 day ago Greed. Greed never ends. permalink embed save report reply [–]old_contemptiblePlatinum | QC: CC 32 | CRO 22 | ExchSubs 22 1 point 1 day ago She knows this, they don't want filthy casuals to actually OWN their wealth. We must be dependent on the system. permalink embed save report reply [–]No-Historian-6391Tin 1 point 1 day ago Pretty much just a cunt. permalink embed save report reply [–]HannyBo9Platinum | QC: CC 45 1 point 1 day ago No surprise there. She is the main boss Karen after You fought off all other Karen’s. permalink embed save report reply [–]HannyBo9Platinum | QC: CC 45 1 point 1 day ago “ how dare you want freedom” Karen warren. permalink embed save report reply [–]joe17301Silver | QC: CC 71 | LRC 59 1 point 1 day ago But... but... she has a D next to her name, surely you're not telling me they're all greedy sociopaths that don't care about the voters at all? permalink embed save report reply [–]Visible-Ad743 1 point 1 day ago Liz Warner sucks. She is for the banks. Not for the people. permalink embed save report reply [–]arcalusPlatinum | QC: CC 182 1 point 1 day ago 🥱 Elizabeth Warren headlines. permalink embed save report reply [–]ricozuriPlatinum | QC: CC 25 1 point 1 day ago Elizabeth Warren is the ultimate self-righteous control freak of the Senate. Should this bill be passed, it won’t stop illicit activities, just make it easier for the government to collect taxes and enact a US controlled CBDC which they will then mandate for use to buy any crypto so they can regulate all transactions. It also would eliminate the anonymity of hard wallets. Welcome to her newly envisioned world of KYC. From the article: “The bill first seeks to classify self‐hosted wallets as money service businesses,"…”self‐hosted wallets offer individuals protection from government surveillance and censorship. Yet Senator Warren's bill would put an end to that protection." permalink embed save report reply [–]Dangerous-Run1055 1 point 1 day ago The goal here is to make crypto look so restrictive that cbdc's actually look attractive and less restrictive. permalink embed save report reply [–]New_Neat_5061Tin | 1 month old 1 point 1 day ago lol of USA is owned by corporations that use United Statess citizens as their pawns and cash cows, making them go to war just yo make a dollar. US dollar will soon collapse and the only way to keep it afloat is war or to funnel money out of the US dollar system using resources like crypto. Buy it then it fails money gone but only from the poor. Shit is about to hit the fan for all of USA in the next five years. permalink embed save report reply [–]Uncomfortable_Newt_Bronze | QC: CC 17 1 point 1 day ago Sounds like a normal day in crypto to me permalink embed save report reply [–]globals33k3rPlatinum | QC: CC 27 1 point 1 day ago This lady knows 0 about this stuff. permalink embed save report reply [–]djstocksBronze | QC: ETH 17 | Politics 14 1 point 1 day ago Bullish on Monero and whatever the next tornado cash becomes. I'll start my own validator if I have to. permalink embed save report reply