ok so a little smidge of usefulness of me tried to fix an authentication bug in httpfs-lm 2 with excitement under time pressure and umm for some reason the log wouldn't show the working credentials for me to compare with the ones i was sending (they're my credentials) it just showed asterixes so i went into the git-lfs source and found it has a different environment variable to hide the asterixes and i set the variable and then it showed <redacted> instead of asterixes so i visited the source, and it was copying from a golang http dumper, and i got the source for go, and looked through it but i didn't see <redacted> replaced anywhere yet, in fact it looked pretty robust the dumper functioned by making a dummy http endpoint and logging the bytes sent to it. so i figured i'd build it all from source to open options but my system alarmed suddenly i was out of space (go is often really big to build from source which was why i didn't have it already) but i'd recently replaced my harddrive so that was weird i checked df and it said i had 1.8 terabytes used O_O so now i am running a du -h but it isn't showing any directores in my root folder larger than 100GB (windows will be bigger when it finishes iterating it) the tension is big. but meanwhile i have to check out of this hotel that i got to get myself calmed enough to go to therapy