Dnia poniedziałek, 16 grudnia 2013 10:00:05 Cari Machet pisze:
tonight in the us of agh on 60 minutes they had on a giant ad for the NSA
fr what i understand alexander has his office set up as star trek battleship
and this was really weird they do standing meetings with a blue light on where he gets a report read to him - they gave the appearance of children playing a game
They *are* children playing a game. Boys with (extremely dangerous) toys.
they said every summer they have high school student interns break code for them and they are highly successful
i just wonder if ppl are thinking about the bio sphere at all in terms of some sort of 'encryption' method i mean if we can work outside of the little box they have made for themselves (and us) then mayb things r movable?
I think that making working for NSA "srsly uncool, dude" is a very effective tactic, for example. Especially in the light of the "thanksgiving talking points". -- Pozdr rysiek