On Sun, 10 Jan 2016 04:50:35 -0800 coderman <coderman@gmail.com> wrote:
. now USA in a state of perpetual war,
It has always been. So what the fuck are you talking about.
executive power at record levels, surveillance staggering in breadth and invasiveness, censorship and suppression of speech creeping ever further into the centralized systems dominating over our way of life, it's not good... and yet we're not rounding up foreign-born citizens and their families for incarceration at detention camps
dude the US has the highest incarceration rate in the world. What the fuck are you talking about.
(like Japanese during the war). not to mention that much of the rest of the world would be killed or imprisoned leading my kind of life in another jurisdiction!
DUDE! Are you trelling or what??
when people are being killed for exposing corruption or injustice,
speechless it
seems ridiculous to complain about annoyances resulting from optional activities i have chosen to undertake willingly - not out of dire need or coercion. with all my needs still met.
all of which made me wonder, what did the every day German or Italian citizen see before fascism ravaged sanity? what did they see that felt
they laughably thought, exactly like you, that they were morally superior to the rest of the world.
then another "If you quit doing that, it would all be much easier..." was said, and i wondered if this was the key sign of trouble i was fearing to see. when lawful activities performed for the good of the public draw unjustified scrutiny and disruption from the state, has the state itself become corrupt?
has become corrupt? How much to you get paid to troll this list?
how far must this corruption spread before it cannot be stopped without destruction of the state, no matter the size and vehemency of public protest?
can the tools of technology and manufactured consent provide the state ability to become completely corrupted without detection, nor resistance from the public?
No it's acutally propagandists like you who are to blame.
i don't know the answers, and i am curious to hear opinions.
Answers to what. You didnt actually ask any questions, you just parroted propaganda.
i still live a rich life with needs met
as some kind of military contractor perhaps? Like tor cunts, or worse.
and i don't think we're on the brink of a fascist nightmare future. maybe hell on earth is closer than i think...
best regards,
NOTE: i am using the terms fascist and fascism explicitly, not capriciously. ''' Fascism is a form of radical authoritarian nationalism that came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe...