Ashton Forbes @JustXAshton Nov 23 Thanks @KimDotcom for highlighting how the SBIR system works. I was about to do a follow up on this tonight! GLOBAL, PERSISTENT INFRARED SURVEILLANCE -Ashton #MH370x #MH370 Kim Dotcom @KimDotcom Nov 23 Did you know that the US Govt has 24/7 high resolution video from any location on earth? They can select any date, time and location and see in fine detail what happened, even at night. It’s as if Google earth would allow you to jump to any point in time. 29 139 12 550 Ashton Forbes @JustXAshton Nov 23 **MH370x Night Stream** Pre-Thanksgiving Stream Working on storyboards for future content, SBIRS part 2, and chatting with followers! #MH370x #MH370 youtube.com/live/1YXmlPyFcbU… MH370x Work - 11/22/23 Working on MH370x Content - Short Video Storyboards, SBIRS, chatting youtube.com 10 21 1 104 Ashton Forbes @JustXAshton Nov 23 **MH370x Podcast Update** At the Mic (with Keith) is currently live. You can catch the recording afterwards. Highly suggest watching this to catch up if you're new to the case. #MH370x #MH370 youtube.com/watch?v=ALQgxvC0… Missing Malaysian Airlines Flight 370: A new theory emerges Nearly a decade since Malaysian Airlines flight 370 vanished without a trace and there are still more questions than answers.A little known video posted onli... youtube.com 12 38 1 152 Ashton Forbes retweeted Tartaria @TartariaLives Nov 23 Replying to @dom_lucre @JustXAshton For his incredible work with on deciphering flight MH370 7 12 106 Ashton Forbes retweeted Greg Reese @gregreese Nov 22 Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 Captured by Unknown Forces @JustXAshton SUBSTACK open.substack.com/pub/gregre… BANNED madmaxworld.tv/watch?id=655e… TELEGRAM t.me/gregreesevideoreports/4… RUMBLE rumble.com/v3xacfv-malaysia-… BITCUHTE bitchute.com/video/LThxnGKCF… INSTAGRAM instagram.com/reel/Cz9d_cHPy… 11 42 6 106 Ashton Forbes @JustXAshton Nov 22 **MH370x Flightpath Explainer** In this video I break down the flightpath as determined by the preponderance of evidence collected in the case of the MH370 videos. A lithium ion battery fire emergency event and subsequent classified US technology used on MH370. #MH370x #MH370 72 253 17 910 0 Ashton Forbes retweeted Roy @roydherbert Nov 22 Replying to @richgel999 Why would you fake it, produce not one but 3 different videos that correlated perfectly in timing from two separate platforms and all within days of the event. The accumulated evidence as a whole if not conclusive warrants further investigation. This video if correct shows a transitional phased environment being applied to the aircraft as a direct result of the conservational nature of that modus operandi I term dynamic behaviourism. An emulation of quanta, if one holds the properties of quanta one holds the phase of quanta and its faster relative rate of time and very cold temperature. A form of superconductivity as such. Properties denote the behavioural phase independent of scale... 9 12 1 65 Ashton Forbes @JustXAshton Nov 22 **MH370x Morning Update** First, a huge thank you to all the truth seekers to have begun following the case. I continue to meet amazing, unique, and open minded individuals. I enjoy interacting with you all. I'm setup and ready to make some videos, already finished the first script and will be putting out the first short later tonight - The MH370x Flightpath Explainer. I will be on Coast to Coast AM Sunday Nov 26th at 5am EST. I'm looking forward to discussing the case on the radio! I would also like to announce Hard Truths #3, with Dave Rossi. He is the founder of SAALT LLC, who will talk to us about the videos and his experiments into advanced propulsion and other physics concepts. The live broadcast will be at 1pm EST Sunday Nov 26th. Finally, isn't it funny how when something major is happening, people tell you to stop talking about it? If it wasn't relevant, they wouldn't bother. This is gatekeeping behavior. MH370x isn't distracting from anything. All we want is the truth. -Ashton #MH370x #MH370 64 88 4 575 Ashton Forbes @JustXAshton Nov 22 #MH370x #MH370 14 20 2 357 Ashton Forbes @JustXAshton Nov 22 Sorry all, my internet died mysteriously, started a new stream, then got a virus. Going to call it early for tonight. Too much weird stuff for one day. 15 90 Ashton Forbes @JustXAshton Nov 22 **MH370x Breaking Update** 18:40UTC - Day 1 Press Conference Admission During the Day 1 press conference officials confirmed that Air Traffic Control lost contact with MH370 at 18:40UTC. Why is this important? This is the time of our videos. This is the time USA-229 was staring at the coordinates in our satellite video. This is the estimated time Kate Tee has her sighting. This is the time the plane 'turned into the South Indian Ocean.' This is the time of the anomalous ping data in the Inmarsat pings SU Log tab, first reported by me. 18:40UTC - tinyurl.com/bdnc948e It wasn't until days later that this time was changed to 18:15UTC and later 18:22UTC. -Ashton #MH370x #MH370 20 77 9 420 0 Ashton Forbes @JustXAshton Nov 22 Streaming Live Tonight. A little Grusch, Veritas, and All Evidence + input from the viewers. #MH370x #MH370 youtube.com/live/Zj-F2kWJo9o… MH370x Work - 11/21/23 Working on MH370x Content All Evidence + Veritas youtube.com 8 15 3 105 Ashton Forbes @JustXAshton Nov 21 **MH370x Podcast Update** Hard Truths Podcast #2 - Bob Greenyer Learn how the science behind the MH370 videos work! Inertial mass reduction, fusion power, annihilation, teleportation, and super weapons. Thanks @quantumheat! #MH370x #MH370 youtu.be/xKOtKTLudOU?si=Ko0X… Hard Truths Podcast #2 - Bob Greenyer & Ashton Forbes We discuss advanced science concepts including Fractal Toroidal Moments and what this means for humanity.We also do a review of the MH370 videos and how scie... youtube.com 16 38 7 158 Ashton Forbes retweeted Ashton Forbes @JustXAshton Sep 8 **MH370x Breaking Update** The Smoking Gun, Redeux Our previous smoking gun was the fact that the WSPR route, following the Inmarsat pings into the South Indian Ocean(SIO) matched with the potential southern location in the MH370 satellite video. The problem with this interpretation was that there's no minus sign in front of the North/South coordinate. /u/MRGWONK was able to prove logically that inversion or mirroring cannot change the way the coordinates increase or decrease away from the equator/hemisphere. This means that the correct location is the northern location near the Nicobar Islands. We had already had suspected USA-229 of being the correct satellite by virtue of having the correct payload, mission, and orbital path that crossed both coordinate possibilties. Yesterday, Martin was able to prove that USA-229, with it's stereosopic sister was in the right location at the right time to take the video. This satellite timing has already been independently confirmed by Victor of the Investigative Group. The NOSS satellites are admitted to have IR capabilities and there is evidence that the MH370 Satellite video is a false color IR. For example the black, cold 'zap' we see in thermal is white in the satellite video. This explains how it is able to appear as day during the night. The illumination we see is likely the computer processed, relative illumination to the surroundings from an IR camera designed to capture such events. To get to this location MH370 simply must do what it is already expected of doing, but not fly into the South Indian Ocean. The flightpath ends here, in the videos. We can only speculate where they go from there. The Inmarsat pings released to the families and then the Investigative Group show anomalies starting at 18:40UTC not previously reported. The data after this time is sparse compared to the rest of the day and duration of the flight, despite the computers (and inflight entertainment/wifi) being off from 17:21 to 18:25UTC. What happened around 18:40UTC? Not only do we know the assets; USA-229 and MQ-1C Gray Eagle, the time; ~18:40UTC, the location; near Nicobar Islands, we also have a Witness; Katherine 'Kate' Tee who saw the plane sometime around 18:50UTC and has never changed her story and still believes in finding the truth according to her Twitter in 2022. In addition to all of that there's also a Chinese media only report of an intercepted message from MH370 claiming to be going for an emergency landing due to the plane disintegrating rapidly, reportedly timed at '2:43,' which could be interpreted as 18:43 UTC. Please keep in mind the following considerations; * Satellite orbits are from 2 week amateur trajectories and may have some margin of error. * These spy satellites can be operationalized, they may be able to temporarily adjust their orbits. * Coordinates in the video are not likely to be the exact location of the plane. * The satellite view is larger than the window being recorded. In my next original piece, Intent, we'll go over the clues within the videos themselves. For example, we know that the MQ-1C Gray Eagle is cropped out, just out of frame. The thermal from this asset was released just weeks after the Satellite video, back in 2014. Before that, I'll compile the pieces to date. Thanks for following this story as it develops. -Ashton #MH370x #MH370 16 60 6 250 0 Ashton Forbes @JustXAshton Nov 21 **MH370x Morning Update** Unity I don't see a divide between sides. The division I see is between the people that like the community divided, and the rest of us. I see it where they tell us we're all the same, because they're threatened by what makes us unique. I see it when they distract us so we're too busy fighting each other to fight real injustice. The community's problem isn't who is right or who is wrong, it's the people feeding on that division for their own purposes. We've got a message for them, from the people seeking unity, to those who aren't. You're outnumbered. -Ashton #MH370x #MH370 40 45 3 344 Ashton Forbes @JustXAshton Nov 21 **MH370x Update** The following are People's Republic of China satellite pictures that were reported to have been taken the day after the plane went missing on March 9th in the South China Sea. However, the search looked and didn't find any debris in the location. If this information is spycraft, it could be China sending a message to the United States saying, "we know what you did." We contacted the Chinese embassy who notified us that the images were released by mistake and did not show any debris from MH370. theguardian.com/world/blog/2… We won't be officially tying this as evidence to the case, but the images do look similar to our triangle orb pattern from the videos. The images remain a mystery. -Ashton #MH370x #MH370 44 71 8 545 Ashton Forbes @JustXAshton Nov 21 In the same interview the Lieutenant General says, "you notice the US Navy has quit their, is stopping their search in the Indian Ocean." Why would the US Navy stop their search in the Indian Ocean if that's supposedly where the plane went? The official search didn't find one piece of the plane, any black boxes, and there was no acoustic detections from three separate systems. #MH370x #MH370 10 13 150 0 Ashton Forbes @JustXAshton Nov 21 **MH370x Update** Former Lieutenant General Thomas McInerney knew there was something wrong with this case. Many have speculated that Rolls Royce engine data would prove/disprove the path of the plane. On March 18th, (plane went missing March 8) he did an interview on Fox News where he says, "Boeing, Rolls Royce, and the US Government, know an awful lot what's going on." Malaysia claims the last engine data transmission was at 17:07UTC, but this doesn't seem possible if the plane flew for another 7+ hours. Rolls Royce never made their engine data public. -Ashton #MH370x #MH370 32 94 6 493 0