On Tue, 29 Sep 2020 21:50:41 +1000 Zenaan Harkness <zen@freedbms.net> wrote:
Ahh that was it, yes, the DemonRAT D/Xi's are fascists. Thanks for clarifying.
yes, the US has a one party system and the one party is composed of two virtually identical factions, the demrats and the rethuglicans. Notice that the original name of the party (jefferson's) was the "Democratic-Republican" party. Yes, as always, US history is its own parody.
Significant parallels between today's North America and the Spanish Civil War
by 'north america' I take it you mean the US. So do you mind naming the parallels between the US today and spain at that time?
- as Marxos so succinctly named for us, "the left eats its own", and the Spanish civil war is a good example of this:
Maybe you should 1)summarize the spanish civil war 2)explain how the situation in the US is similar to it.
european scum like you getting their just desserts, grarpamp.
I guess "Spanish scum" like yerself ought move to South Africa - real life anarchy going on there ...
by 'heritage' i'm mostly italian scum. Italian tradition obv goes back to the roman empire, who happened to be the original fascists and original western imperialists. coincidentally, here you can see the half-white obomba and the flag of the US flanked by two fasces. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Obama_Health_Care_Speech_to_Joint_Session... here's an entertaining list of use of fascist symbology in the US https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fasces#United_States
Don't get me wrong though - complaints do have their place, pointing out lies,
seems that all one can do on a mailing list is post stuff. Some people post starlink advertising. Other people post flu farce propaganda. Some people post both! Then you have an endless stream of 'conservative' spam, etc.
at a certain point you're not even expanding the overton window, nor shifting any listener/ target of your complaints, nor changing the world in any identifiable way.
well, if you have a better plan, let us know. But let me mention, again, that this list is used to post starlink-NSA propaganda, hilarious lies about the nature of the US, the latest propaganda for world-wide medical fascism, et cetera. In other words, most people here not only lack a plan, but are active supporters of the thing they should be fighting against.