— the helicopter deposits everybody in mcutopia and makes another run back with the people who want to go back [i.e. the ones who were not sufficiently rescued by saying “yayy” and “whee” and getting on a helicopter, just once. ? maybe not?] helicopter descends. it has intern, janitor, rebel worker, rebel hairdresser, researcher, paperpusher. intern: “we’re here to rescue tou!!. everybody: “yayyyy!” intern: “is everybody safe to fly on a helicopter?” bundles of organs: “we can get imfected on helicopters. can we take our vats of goo?” inten: “totally you can take your vats of goo!” intern: “can any researchers help any experimentees who want to live outside vats of goo do so safely?” researchers: “we would love to do that so much!” …. everybody: “yayyyyy!” everybody piles onto the helicopter and flies toward a sunset joyfully intern makes notes: - experimentees can be helped by researchers - experimentees might need vats of goo