Zig e-mailed:
Tor is a "choice of n.ggers" conundrum: if you don't use it, your local boys in blue have much more ready access to your torrenting, if you do use it, the CIA/NSA n.ggers get first pluck on your browsing and torrenting data.
At the moment, there is a faction of the CIA which is actually now supporting Trump and the "expose China" agenda, so we should be just fine exposing China via Tor at the moment.
After visiting the onion site, I realize I don't know enough about international politics to tell what is going on, because a lot is in double-talk (jokes, trolling, disruption, playing-it-safe, tricking-surveillance, whatever).
Best to keep it in the dark chats - you never know what "local law enforcement officer" with his back door on your ISP is working for the Soros faction (one world order/ gov/ etc, straight outta the Tibetan underground city and the fallen ones).
Uncertain if Soros is a fictional analogy or not. Most of us are supporting dictatorship is some way or another. Stating clearly: no specific group is to blame.
Don't worry about the brain implant; we all have them now and resisting it is a matter of course.
You may speak for yourself (and you speak well, your heart is apparently good).
We must encourage others to wake up, lift them into truth, awareness.
Sorry, that was basically accidental disruption. Talking about too-severe corruption unneccessarily could get everybody targeted and dispersed. Habits to break. I think I'm trying to focus more on corporate mafia. I should read the news.
The consequences of the results of your/our collective choices shall strike
as Thor's hammer for millenia.
I have: AI does super unexpected things; changes in world dominance produce massive changes rooted in the preferences of a minority; cultures of blockchain-enforced slavery. My hope is for a defended consensus-run community where people can keep human bodies and natural environments, but I don't know how to help that happen. What am I missing? Where are you at?
It's a life journey of educating all we come in contact with - that which is worth building is not identical for everyone, so empathy, understanding and communication are essential (believe me, a lifetime of n.ggardly failure and brown paper bags might be eternally embarrassing and gut wrenching, but it's something?)
Bearing witness is inherent meaning. So, I stumbled on this obvious item: coronavirus is making everyone stay indoors to defend against a very low risk compared to some other things. This is basically the same sheepish behavior people engage in when they do normal things like, buy food at a grocery store that is available freely in the wilderness, or grown from seeds, or at food pantries. All due to marketed cultural "shame" and "health" etc.: the rational reasons are illogical but keep everybody in-system. We're at a growth of culture where it's more overt.
If there is no such material, then we need personal dicta, the eye witness
accounts, the truth from our fellow Souls.
We need somebody to organize that data together, really. It's not hard to find but it is incredibly hard to keep and to relate around, for me.
Okay. So we need to talk a lot more, and stimulate others to talk, and spread their stories. Hard.
Once you find folks in your ken, the long journey continues, how to reach a point of abundance in food without dependence on The Man.
Pilgrimage of knowledge: learning what is relevant to do.
Such simple truths might seem too hard, but this is where we must head - little pockets of vertical integration in food, water, shelter, communication, travel.
If we don't create the world our future generations need, who will?
Homesteaders are everywhere I suppose.
we will fight to the death to stop fighting.
You say such wonderful things down here below all the andrews. I wonder who andrew is.
He's the n.gger who wrote the article I linked, see below.
You might create an account at TDS and ask him why he is so pro-globalist, that would probably be very useful, because he's actually quite a thinker, and although occasionally brash, he is very genuine, and often funny.
I visited the link, but I don't know enough international politics to trick myself into believing I'm not spreading harm long enough to engage it. I simply can't tell what is possibly true from it.
goes all "wtf dude you said you were a mindslave did my dictator tell you to spread peaceful words among possible enemies?" and ...
You'll make a fine n.gger yet :D
Put the wrong label in some systems and it never goes away. Could help a lot of people occasionally. Can hurt them too. Thank you for bringing me to Tor. I'll do my duty and briefly search for a dark chat.