freedom of association?
Similar inquiry may be to look at planet from above, observe any propensity that variations within humanity may tend to associate more often with themselves, or not. Consider removal of all government, all borders, maps, place names... what then of any propensities. Would humans species not be expected similar to any observable associative tendencies of variations within species of animal kingdom... ant colonies, birds, dogs, bacteria, fish, worms... or not. If no associative bias is found, great. If something is found, then admit it, and that it is unchangeable embraceable part of nature for which legislating false morals or imparting external / unnatural forces, can prove dangerous due to other things found inherent to nature, such as when cornering an animal.
easier to cooperate if you are of the same
Then in either case world can return from the endless subject bullshit back to whatever cooperation among free animals running about.