Cryptoanarchy expects everyone will do their duty. Especially all Big-Igloo, Sovereign-Citizen, Proud-Boy, Oath-Keeper, Patriotic Militia types - SIR, YES SIR! I wanted this to go smoothly as cooperative adults. Alas Brandon didn't see things this way so he won't be joining us for the rest of his life. Sadly anarchism has evolved since it assassinated many of the crowned heads of Europe. Many anarchists prefer others do the wet-work required to overthrow the state these days. And who could blame them with regular arrivals of rightwingnut volunteers. They are called random or stochastic, but really, you could set your watch by them. And since we don't want anarchists fingered for murdering black &/or female cops they are most welcome. Deeds not words! And we all agree the only good cop is a dead one so - welcome to the platform-agnostic revolution! Shoot straight ye bastards.