If the state is out to get you I'd just assume that everything arround you is rooted and a wire tap and act accordingly.
Doesn't have to be anyone doing anything wrong. Anyone following geopolitics knows that surveillors can reap just aggregate spying and turn that into realtime influence messaging to their own purpose. "Looks like a lot of overlay users are visiting a node known for artwork. Let's craft on that." "Cryptocurrency rising... Let's craft that." "Here's todays daily statistical and Markov report... Craft it."
assume that everything arround you is rooted and a wire tap
Is this not entirely possible for all users of technology around the globe today? Snowden and everyone else before and since told you that you're all being tapped, datamined, controlled, and used. But most still don't believe it, or do anything to directly end it, all you do is drop some tools, while leaving all the taps, entities, activities, policies, still in place. Oops. Recall that you have all still started up exactly ZERO projects that are combining all these elements... #OpenFabs , #OpenHW , #OpenSW , #OpenDev , #OpenBiz , #OpenAudits , etc So you still clearly have zero knowledge of what's actually in your CPU's, your NIC's, your storage, your networks, or any reason to explicitly trust them. You're all April's Fools still stupidly placing faith in secrets [1] even after endless stream of their lies exposed by exploits, be they cataloged by CVE or even network TV news. [1] Be they commercial, [geo]political, etc.
Be they overlays on top of the internet, enhancements to the internet, or new guerrilla physical plant...
That process of people contributing to original and ongoing development of new strong networks that are not susceptible to such Basic Bitch Adversaries as Global Vampires, is something more should consider.
Indeed, we'll get there eventually. I am just a guy that made a thing because I thought it was cool.
Yes. Hopefully more will see the need to make cool and different things that can all be competed, evaluated, merged together, and even happily and graciously abandoned and joined up for the next where needed, in order to help get everyone there. This applies outside the Tubes as well.
Same for likely figuring out how to get the deployment Social aspects right so you can circle the network wagons against Sybil.
Let the record show that I am not the one making the sybil resistance claims it's the coin team that is. I doubt them as well but I am open to being surprised. I orignally had another model in mind for mitigating bad actors on the network that I still plan on implementing (eventually) Effectively it's a f2f mesh connectivity layer to help hide traffic shape.
There's certainly no lack of pure f2f, or p2p dht, or central, or hybrid tools out there in history. Models, threats, and use cases all being tested and mashed together is good, and fun to do :) Sybil is extremely hard to protect against and root out, since all Sybil needs is Money, and an Excuse to be there. As noted in tor lists since years, the solution to Sybil might not be as complete with only "in network" methods. It will more likely require at least some in real life Web of Trust, Humans asserting over the nodes they run, the software analysing that web, making node selections based on that metadata. "I know her, she works at the store, he's at my meetup group, they're a local company, etc...", and so on, a mesh of persons to persons, running nodes and fiber, all around the planet. You're probably going to need to force Sybil to become a verifiable IRL Human Being... because right now all she needs is money, and her bags are full of it. In a 1 million node network, if half of the nodes are from WoT verified humans, each human runs 10 nodes, and only 50% the users prefer to make exclusive use of the WoT... that's 25k unique logical nodes now showing themselves as being more than just a completely anonymous potentially adversarial [point] source of money renting out boxes around the globe. Can 2.5% of the nodes making up any of todays transport, cryptocurrency, or application network overlays be said to be sufficiently trusted? Do any even need to be? In addition to signing human WoT data in the network layers, you could also start pushing analysis of node metadata into subscribable routing metrics... where are the nodes located, OS, uptime patterns, spec conformance, degrees of WoT such as non IRL nyms, and how strong each asserters verification and assertion policy framework is, etc. All of this and more could raise Sybil's cost and exposure risk qute significantly, perhaps to futility. Everytime the Sybil WoT subject hits the lists it's met with abject silence [or "Johnny can't..."] Is this due to fear of associating with a node (or trying to protect the node by not associating) such that if the node is taken down the operator can walk away or redeploy anon elsewhere? Is that not what Zero Knowledge is for, to allow everyone immunity to say "It's just bits, we have no knowledge or control"? Are advancements toward solving Vampire and Sybil really thought that horrifically "unusable" and "costly"? Or that some won't find them perfectly acceptable? Are the elevated levels of technical, philosophical, educational, and operational participation potentially required all nodes and any solutions thought to be impossible to achieve? Is it easier to just skate by on the odds and continue throwing the victims under the bridge as acceptable losses?
I am not arrogant enough to claim to be able to repell state actors from sqaure one.
Not meaning to have refer to Loki, or any project, but to all nets... We know that, other than routine protocol, code, and human exploits (those three all still being quite sufficient at times), adversaries remaining credible tools against Overlay Networks themselves seem to be Vampire and Sybil. And fake Law, no? It's not only State Actors... any global, regional, or even local tier-n ISP can be an adversary partner Vampire... all you need is to be, or have access to, some pipes... and a willingness to be, or be friendly to, some power, or to wish to gain from your own Vamping. And any NGO or person can be a Sybil... all that takes is money, and in many cases, amusingly little. When head down in code and ops, a bit of talk on the metas is good now and then. Mine should of course be disregarded entirely.