https://motherboard.vice.com/read/11-million-pages-of-cia-files-may-soon-be-... Millions of pages of CIA documents are stored in Room 3000. The CIA Records Search Tool (CREST), the agency's database of declassified intelligence files, is only accessible via four computers in the National Archives Building in College Park, MD, and contains everything from Cold War intelligence, research and development files, to images. Now one activist is aiming to get those documents more readily available to anyone who is interested in them, by methodically printing, scanning, and then archiving them on the internet. “It boils down to freeing information and getting as much of it as possible into the hands of the public, not to mention journalists, researchers and historians,” Michael Best, analyst and freedom of information activist told Motherboard in an online chat. Read the rest: https://motherboard.vice.com/read/11-million-pages-of-cia-files-may-soon-be-... https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/285662323/publishing-cias-declassified-... Negativity will be ignored, as will predictions of failure. It might not work, but at least I'm trying. =)