On 11/19/2016 06:33 PM, Zenaan Harkness linked to a hawk in the vineyard:
Trump’s “Conservative Revolution” (A view from Oz)
(4 pages)


Unless Trump does an Obama and changes course soon after his inauguration, a new era in foreign American policy, an era that is primarily America-centric rather than hegemonic will set the course of global events in a new direction.

See: http://thehill.com/policy/defense/306618-battle-brews-over-trumps-foreign-policy wherein it's said:

"These libertarians, isolationists and realists see an opportunity to pull back America's commitments around the world, spend less money on foreign aid and “nation-building,” curtail expensive military campaigns and troop deployments, and intervene militarily only to protect American interests."

Admittedly "and intervene militarily only to protect American interests." can mean a lot of different things but nevertheless the author @TheHill thinks Trump want to go isolationist.

My comment @FB

"Instead they're bringing to war home to you... How does if feel American? You'd rather have dead mutilated Yemeni babies wouldn't you? It's OK. You can admit it. We all know what makes you 'exceptional' is you think about yourself, instead of humanity."
