# Chapter 1: Introduction -- How To Use This Book This chapter aims to: 1) Enable readers to have reasonable expectations for this book 2) Discuss common challenges for persons who have trauma and dissociation This is an educational book designed for people who have mental health problems after a single or multiple traumatic or stressful experiences. Examples of these experiences include, but are not limited to: disaster, serious accident, war, disease or injury, medical procedure, peer bullying, family violence, physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, physical neglect, emotional neglect and other extreme events (e.g., homicide, suicide, death of a close friend or relative), no matter whether they occur during childhood or adulthood. Scientific findings reveal that trauma and stress are associated with many physical and mental health problems. In particular, it is common and understandable for survivors to develop post-traumatic and dissociative reactions, which could lead to serious distress and disability. Examples of post-traumatic and dissociative reactions include: re-experiencing the painful memories, emotional numbness, avoiding things related to the trauma, being emotionally unstable, sleep problems, memory problems, difficulties in relationships, somatic symptoms, identity dissociation, etc. If the post-traumatic and dissociative reactions remain unrelieved, some survivors may partially or fully meet the diagnostic criteria for certain mental disorders, such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), borderline personality disorder (BPD) and/or a dissociative disorder. It is also not rare for survivors to have other mental health problems, such as depression, anxiety, eating disorders and psychotic symptoms. Some people may feel okay after experiencing a traumatic or stressful event, but trauma and stress could also lead to serious mental health problems in some people. Perhaps you had some difficult experiences in the past, and you are probably still facing a lot of challenges now. You should know that it is already a very good start for you to seek help -- you are reading this book, which means that your recovery journey has already started!! It is important to note that recovery is always possible. Many mental health problems after trauma and stress are understandable -- they usually have survival and self-defense purposes. Although it takes time and effort, many survivors can reduce their symptoms considerably and recover very well. Successfully recovered cases have been reported in many clinical studies and books. So, what is the content of this book? This book is specifically written for people who have experienced trauma or stress, and for people with any kind of post-traumatic and dissociative reactions. This book discusses the impacts of trauma and stress on our body and mind and the common post-traumatic and dissociative reactions. This book also talks about the challenges and life problems that survivors often encounter. Moreover, it introduces some practical self-help methods. Hopefully, readers would find this book easy-to-read and useful. In addition, this book introduces some practical self-help skills; readers need to practice and work on the exercises after each chapter and in daily life in order to master the skills and maximize the effects of this book. While this book is written based on the clinical wisdom and scientific findings from the trauma and dissociation literature, this book will not, should not and cannot replace any conventional treatment or service (including but not limited to medical treatment, psychotherapy, counselling and other social services). Conventional care service is usually important for many people with mental health problems. This book is only an additional resource that readers may benefit from. In case of emergency and crisis situations, you need to seek help immediately in your community (e.g. call the police, go to your nearest emergency service). There are 12 chapters in total. Each chapter will have a different focus. Please be patient, and go slowly -- read this book little by little, paragraph by paragraph. You can always review the content you find relevant, and practice the exercises you find helpful. There is no quick fix for recovery -- but recovery is always achievable. Oh, by the way, 'be a teammate with yourself' is the main theme of the entire book. Do you know why? Trauma and stress often make us have conflicts with ourselves (e.g., having feelings that we don't want to have, crying, shaking or yelling out when we don't want to do so, living with an angry child inside us). To recover from trauma and stress, from this perspective, is to acknowledge, accept and integrate our bio-psycho-social experiences and be a good teammate with our body and mind. Remember, we should not and can never eliminate any parts of ourselves, even if they do not seem like they belong to us. You basically have a common goal with your body and mind. Although conflicts may occur among different parts of you in the beginning, you all want to survive and you all want to have pleasure and avoid pain in nature. Being a good teammate with yourself is one important thing you need to do in your recovery journey. We will discuss this further later in the book. So, are you ready to start your journey? Remember, go slow! All the best!!! ## Assignment 1.1 What changes do you expect to occur as a result of your efforts in reading this book? Please try to write down a few things that you think would possibly get better in your life after completing the journey of these 12 chapters. ## Assignment 1.2 Everyone needs help sometimes in life, but seeking help could be a difficult step. What makes you want to read this book and improve your life? *Question 1:* Does the content in this chapter relate to your experience? 1 = Strongly disagree; 10 = Strongly agree *Question 2:* Have you learned this content before? 1 = Strongly disagree; 10 = Strongly agree