The midnight bell shall toll ... soon my precious, soon…… Tsunami of Finance: German Expert Warns of Imminent Collapse of 'World Casino' Here's a couple tasters: "In the last 30 years it has become a huge casino in which money is simply pushed back and forth. Since the system is built on loans that need to be serviced, more and more money must be pumped into the system. The central banks, such as the IMF or the ECB, are the largest manipulators of the financial system. They are printing more and more money, which they now offer for zero or negative interest rates." "You mustn't lose yourself in the details, you have to see the big picture. With derivatives, for example, there are all sorts of options — puts, options, calls, swaps. You don't have to know all the differences. You just have to know that derivatives are financial betting. And this huge bookmaker threatens us all."