On 11/29/20, jim bell <jdb10987@yahoo.com> wrote:
And Intel, Google Android, Microsoft, Apple, Facebook, Yahoo, etc... bugged everything else, live feeds of your life beamed and traded straight to each other, the NSA PRISM, GovCorp, VISA, PayPal, Uber, CloudFlare, CIA, GSM telco, etc. PGP RSA and good symmetrics existed for all those years. No one should have been using commercial ware, unless they thought NSA GCHQ could crack RSA etc. For which XOR OTP was known impenetrable since the 40's. Snowden didn't have access to the crypto RSA compartment, and everyone who had or does to date are all apparently too cowardly to talk. That's a shame. Man up and speak freely. https://mobile.twitter.com/moscow_ghost/status/649247780112855040 https://media.ccc.de/v/32c3-7426-intelexit https://mobile.twitter.com/Secret_Beast/status/648648811145883648 https://www.intelexit.org/