On Sat, Aug 20, 2016 at 02:02:22PM +0300, Georgi Guninski wrote:
On Sat, Aug 20, 2016 at 06:23:12AM -0400, grarpamp wrote:
https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-talk/2016-August/042032.html Fri Aug 19 11:34:54 UTC 2016 thread Shutting down my tor relay Stephan Seitz <stse+tor@fsing.rootsland.net>
Did Tor decide to piss off and disconnect the honest relay operators (or
The principled ones. In leaked chats etc, they (Tor Inc honchos) keep focussing on "how to protect the image" and "can we employ this CIA guy without creating a problem for our reputation". It reaks of "we don't give a damn about the principles wee proclaim on our website, Now when volunteers say "enough's enough, I cannot trust you guys, I thought I could, I'm stopping running my relay", they are getting blasted - slapped in the face with their own conscience e.g. "how could you! You are choosing to put peoples lives at risk!" - check it out, "moral/ emotional blackmail" for want of a term, perhaps "conscience blackmail" - that only works when the listener is weak, but they keep trying it on anyway. That's what sociopath's do - try very hard to hold us to our higher standard, while they race around fucking everyone over, hoping we don't see the trick they are using. We go through angst, heartache and distress over the fallout, the wrongs, the failures, while they try to abuse us with this very conscience that causes us our pain. It is evil what they try to do. Even my gentle reply ("you're slapping a --volunteer-- in the face") has been censored! Just check that photo of Shari (-ah law) Steele - she's one tough and angry looking human, and not in a good way - free of empathy, tons of ambition and a very harsh approach from what we are seeing. The failures and outright offensive sequencesing of events surrounding her "Tor Social Contract" speak very loudly. Juan was right.
as much of them as possible) while keeping the luser cattle?
AFAIK the onion anonymity highly depends on the honesty of the relays in the "circuit" (or whatever they call it, never mind).
This way all relays will be spooks', while now only most of them are.