2006 To make the best haunted house, we rented a gigantic compute cluster and trained a model to maximize the fear in people. We made the scariest haunted house but all our clients are dead. They just walk in, and 2007 2016 confused blergh 2016 some of the expressions don't resonate well. probably i didn't use the 't' word enough in the storyspam to be prepared for it here. it makes big thing. so does 'mc' words [mind control boss], but they're all familiar now 2018 possible mistake Mind Control Boss, the wealthy industrialist who puts the "terrorism" in "government." 2018 Mind Control Boss [advertisement]: "Do you ever feel your government doesn't have enough terrorism in it?" Mind Control Boss [advertisement]: "Never fear. With our portfolio of social weaponry -- 2019 personal things happening maybe 2019 once upon a time, long long ago, mind control boss standing very far away. he held a 10 foot pole. maybe he was blind, like a blind man, and tried to feel around with the 10 foot pole to figure out where to walk. 2020 mind control -- 2020 2027 the feedback regarding horror degree and other things is considered insufficient with the long bunches of expressions. sending now (2027)